If you vote Republican you support the hypocrisy Republican in government are using to get your vote no matter what.
Uh not true
Accept the FACT that a Republican Supreme Court ruled on Roe vs. Wade. You consider getting Republicans into the court so obviously you think that's how to get things done, right? Well a 6 Republican - 3 Democratic SP in 1973 gave us Roe vs. Wade. They got it done all right.
Not relevant
If you supported needless murder in unnecessary and brutal wars of aggression started by the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq which resulted in the murder of hundreds of thousands of enemy combatants and innocent civilians you are not pro-life.
Uh not true those wars were not needless.
Lives count before birth. I agree. They also count after birth. You don't seem to understand that.
Not true. In fact what is true is that regardless of what other good one may do if they slaughter unborn children the other good is irrelevant. Ignoring the slaughter of unborn children under any circumstances is evil.
Also supporting the gun culture in the U.S.supports the increasing number of mass murders and suicides using guns. Abortion is important but it isn't the only factor in being pro-life.
Those killed by guns are far less than most any other thing. Picking out guns only makes you look suspicious. There is no immoral nature to this so called "gun culture" as you put it. Guns are tools that can be used for a number of things.