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tongue speakers please answer

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Lorelei, May 16, 2002.

  1. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    DHK, you can post all of the links, against the Spirit of God and speaking in tongues, that you want, but it doesn't change one thing.

    You can find and read anything that you want to believe, on the web, but that doesn't make it truth.

    Even in Jesus' time the scribes rebuked Jesus.

    Mark 3:22-23) And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
    23) And he called them unto him, and said unto them in a parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

    So you see, calling the power of God of the devil is nothing new.

    I just thank God that I have eyes to see and ears to hear what thus saith the Lord. [​IMG]

  2. Revolt

    Revolt New Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    OH goodness thats the funniest thig I ever read!!!!

    By the way I am sorry I can find only one reference to tounges of Angles in the bible. I guess once in the bible isnt enough for these supposed bible belivers.
  3. Don

    Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    (shaking head sadly)

    That was the best you could come up with, Revolt?

    Read Romans 12:9. It specifically says abhor (hate) that which is evil. Over in Proverbs, it says that as a man thinketh, so he is in his heart. Men who think about evil are therefore evil, and we're supposed to hate evil.

    Are you hating people who do evil, Revolt?


    Then I guess once isn't enough for a supposed bible believer like yourself either....

    You know, it's interesting that you've admitted that that is the only verse in the entire Bible that mentions a tongue of angels. Are you willing to admit that the first word of the sentence is "though" (meaning, "if")?

    Even if you're not, the really interesting thing is that, even though you've admitted that it's the only verse in the bible, you're not willing to seek out why it's the only verse in the Bible....

    [ June 14, 2002, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Don ]
  4. Don

    Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    As I said in the story I related, when y'all get to the point where your feelings and emotions aren't enough, and you're ready for some real meat, you just find yourselves an independent fundamental KJB preachin/believin/teachin Baptist church....

    In the meantime, don't forget that Paul talks about those that are spiritually mature. He likens all of us to children--initially. He makes it clear that we should grow up at some point, and get off the milk and into real food.

    Children are slaves to their feelings and emotions...until the day they realize they need more, and seek out that which completely fills and nurtures them....
  5. Revolt

    Revolt New Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Sorry I did the whole kjb ifb thing once. I didnt like it. It was to religious. Also they were racist (I know not all ifb are racist but the two groups I had contact with were) They persicuted all christians who did not belive as they do. When we would go wittnessing the would say anythig the could to people even going as far as lieing as if just saying the sinners prayer is all there is to God or that every time you get someone to say it you get a knotch on your belt. I hope this isnt the meat you speak of.

    Oh yea here is a quick definition of religon:

    The act of playing church, substituting ritual for reality, mindlessly following the traditions of men instead of pursuing friendship with God

    One exaple of how church sould work
  6. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    hrhema writes:
    Do I believe a person has to speak in tongues to be saved? No. (I was in the Oneness movement for 17 years). It is a gift. I know where Oneness people come up with the idea but it cannot be proven scripturally that you have to speak in tongues to be saved.

    I was going to e-mail this privately, but you don't have an e-mail address in your profile.

    If you don't want to respond, that is fine.

    What Oneness movement were you involved? Also, did you ever have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? Another thing, were you baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?

    If you choose to answer, please do so by e-mail.
    My e-mail address is Mee358@aol.com

    Carol [​IMG]
  7. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    I don't post against the Spirit of God, but I do post against your spirit--a spirit that seeks after carnal and emotional experiences which are not of God. You have provided no "legitimate" answers to very legitimate questions.

    1. What evidence can you give that the "tongue" (Biblically called "language") is from God, and not from Satan, since you do not know what you are saying?

    2. What evidence can you give that you are speaking out of the Holy Spirit, rather than a demonic Spirit?

    3. What language are you speaking when you speak in tongues?

    4. In the light of 1Cor.14:11-13, who in the church gains understanding from your tongues, and who does it edify?

    5. In the light of 1Cor.14:21,22, who are tongues a sign for? Are there unbelieving Jews present when you speak in tongues?

    6. In the light 1Cor.14:23 do most people speak in tongues in your church? Will a visitor of anothr persausion, upon entering your church, think that you have all gone mad or crazy as Paul suggests?

    7. In the light of 1Cor.14:27, how many speak in your church, and do they speak at the same time. Are there only two, or three at the very most, as Paul commands, or are there more, as Paul forbids.

    8. In the light of 1Cor.14:28 do you ALWAYS have an interpreter when you speak in another language (tongue)? If not do sit down and shut up? Do you keep silence as is commanded?

    9. In the light of 1Cor.14:34,35, do women speak in tongues in your church? Do you realize this is absolutely forbidden by God? It is unscriptural. Is it a practice of your church?

    If you can't give honest Scriptural answers to these questions, then your tongues are not of God, they are from another source.
  8. Don

    Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    Revolt, you focused on the ifb thang, and said absolutely nothing about the "once isn't enough" thing....
  9. Revolt

    Revolt New Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Don it dosnt matter what verse of the bible I would give to you. You would just arguee with typical ifb circular reasoning because for whatever reason you are scared to find out that God is not who you would have him be.
  10. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    I don't post against the Spirit of God, but I do post against your spirit--a spirit that seeks after carnal and emotional experiences which are not of God.

    DHK, you are speaking against the SPIRIT of GOD!

    1. What evidence can you give that the "tongue" (Biblically called "language") is from God, and not from Satan, since you do not know what you are saying?

    Luke 11:13) If ye then, being evil, know how
    to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall Your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him?

    2. What evidence can you give that you are speaking out of the Holy Spirit, rather than a demonic Spirit?

    I was praying to the God of the universe and not to another source. It is none of the devils
    business anyway.

    3. What language are you speaking when you speak in tongues?

    If I knew, it wouldn't be supernatural. I
    would know what I was saying. Right?

    4. In the light of 1Cor.14:11-13, who in the church gains understanding from your tongues, and who does it edify?

    That depends if you are praying to God, edifying yourself or the gift of tongues, which the gift of interpretation is used.

    5. In the light of 1Cor.14:21,22, who are tongues a sign for? Are there unbelieving Jews present when you speak in tongues?

    The unbeliever! Since I'm not Jewish
    and attend a Gentile church, I doubt it.

    6. In the light 1Cor.14:23 do most people speak in tongues in your church? Will a visitor of
    anothr persausion, upon entering your church, think that you have all gone mad or crazy as Paul suggests?

    Problably would if we all spoke at once.

    7. In the light of 1Cor.14:27, how many speak in your church, and do they speak at the same time.
    Are there only two, or three at the very most, as Paul commands, or are there more, as Paul forbids.

    Most have the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, but
    things are carried out in a very orderly fashion.

    8. In the light of 1Cor.14:28 do you ALWAYS have
    an interpreter when you speak in another language (tongue)? If not do sit down and shut up? Do you keep silence as is commanded?

    Like I said, it is done in order, according
    to the way Paul instructed.

    9. In the light of 1Cor.14:34,35, do women speak in tongues in your church? Do you realize this is absolutely forbidden by God? It is unscriptural. Is it a practice of your church?

    DHK, you have taken this scripture out of
    context. It's not talking about women speaking in tongues. Yes we women do speak in tongues. How else would we know that we have received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?
    Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, spoke in tongues. She was in the upper room, on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost was poured out for the first time. Acts 1:13-14.

    If you can't give honest Scriptural answers to these questions, then your tongues are not of God, they are from another source.
    </font>[/QUOTE]According to DHK!
  11. Don

    Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    Beg to differ, my boy. I'm the one that keeps offering scripture that you don't respond to. All you seem to be offering is "you must have the experience."

    I at least want to hear your comment about what I offered in response to your "once isn't enough" snide remark....
  12. hrhema

    hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    Let's get one thing straight. God does not forbid women to speak in church. Paul wrote that scripture dealing with issues in his time. If what Paul wrote was what certain Baptists interpret it to be then Jesus really sinned because he sure used women a lot and let them talk alot. Mary, Martha, Mary Magdalene, His mother, Susanna.

    Also I think unless people have been in the Pentecostal movements and know what they believe and teach then they should not make comments about things they don't understand or hearsay.

    For MEE: I was first in the Apostolic Ministers Fellowship then when they fell apart went to the UPC&gt;
  13. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    You have basically side-stepped the questions I have asked you, nor have you answered them honestly. Let's try again.

    1. What evidence can you give that the "tongue" (Biblically called "language") is from God, and not from Satan, since you do not know what you are saying?
    --MEE: Luke 11:13) If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall Your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him?

    You didn't answer the question, but quoted a verse out of context. The verse is talking of prayer, and not of the filling of the Holy Spirit. This was said before Pentecost even took place. It is prophetic of Pentecost, not of your interpretation of the filling of the Holy Spirit. Answer the question MEE, what evidence can you give that the tongue you speak is from God, and not from Satan, since you do not know what you are speaking. Answer the question directly. You don't know what you are saying, so you could be praising Satan couldn't you? That is a real possibility!

    2. What evidence can you give that you are speaking out of the Holy Spirit, rather than a demonic Spirit?
    --MEE: I was praying to the God of the universe and not to another source. It is none of the devils
    business anyway.

    Wiccans pray to the God of the universe too. And that is a source of demons. It doesn't say much for your God does it?

    3. What language are you speaking when you speak in tongues?
    --MEE: If I knew, it wouldn't be supernatural. I would know what I was saying. Right?

    The purpose of the supernatural gifts of tongues, MEE, is so that someone in your church would know what you are saying. What does your "interpreter" say you are saying? What language does he say you are speaking in? These were real languages MEE. Study Acts 2.

    4. In the light of 1Cor.14:11-13, who in the church gains understanding from your tongues, and who does it edify?
    --MEE: That depends if you are praying to God, edifying yourself or the gift of tongues, which the gift of interpretation is used.

    If you are praying to God, that is the improper use of tongues. If your edifying yourself you are being selfish and that is the improper use of tongues. The gift of tongues was a gift given ONLY to the church, for the edification of the church, and NEVER for private use. If it is not edifying the church it is wrong. If it is not giving understanding to the church it is wrong.

    5. In the light of 1Cor.14:21,22, who are tongues a sign for? Are there unbelieving Jews present when you speak in tongues?
    --MEE: The unbeliever! Since I'm not Jewish and attend a Gentile church, I doubt it.

    The Corinthian church was primarily a Gentile church. It fits the bill that your describing. That's why Paul gave the rebuke that he did. Notice in 1Cor.12:1,2, how he describes the pagan background that they came out of:
    2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.
    Hey, that describes some Charismatics I know. It was not a sign primarily for the church, but that the Jew might know that the gospel message is from God, that it is an authentic message, tongues was given. It was also a sign of judgement on the Jews. Study 1Cor.14:21 carefully.

    6. In the light 1Cor.14:23 do most people speak in tongues in your church? Will a visitor of
    anothr persausion, upon entering your church, think that you have all gone mad or crazy as Paul suggests?
    --MEE: Problably would if we all spoke at once.

    And they probably do.

    7. In the light of 1Cor.14:27, how many speak in your church, and do they speak at the same time.
    Are there only two, or three at the very most, as Paul commands, or are there more, as Paul forbids.
    --MEE: Most have the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, but things are carried out in a very orderly fashion.

    You didn't answer the question MEE. How many speak in tongues in your church. A maximum of three or not? Tell the truth. Be honest. Don't beat around the bush here.

    8. In the light of 1Cor.14:28 do you ALWAYS have an interpreter when you speak in another language (tongue)? If not do sit down and shut up? Do you keep silence as is commanded?
    --MEE: Like I said, it is done in order, according to the way Paul instructed.

    And what is that way MEE? Your side-stepping the question again. Be honest and up-front here. Does everyone who speaks in tongues always have an interpreter, and I mean ALWAYS have an interpreter? Can you be honest MEE? Do you keep silence if you do not have an interpreter? Do you know how to answer these questions directly, honestly, without beating around the bush?

    9. In the light of 1Cor.14:34,35, do women speak in tongues in your church? Do you realize this is absolutely forbidden by God? It is unscriptural. Is it a practice of your church?
    --MEE: DHK, you have taken this scripture out of context. It's not talking about women speaking in tongues. Yes we women do speak in tongues. How else would we know that we have received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, spoke in tongues. She was in the upper room, on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost was poured out for the first time. Acts 1:13-14.

    Who has taken Scripture out of context?? The Day of Pentecost was a one-time event never to be repeated again in history. Guidelines for use of the gifts of the Spirit, which include speaking in tongues are given in 1Cor.12 to 14. Acts is a book of history. The epistles were books of instruction. Don't take Scripture out of its context. Paul gave instruction about speaking in tongues. Follow it.
    By the way, I gave a response to hrhema., who compared speaking in tongues to the miracle of the Lord opening the mouth of Balaam's ass to rebuke Balaam. I believe that both of these events (Pentecost and the donkey speaking to Balaam) were one time events in history, never again to be repeated. If you believe that Pentecost is an ongoing event, then why don't we see a lot of donkeys speaking to their masters, rebuking them for their errors? Should that not also be an on-going event?
    Don't take Scripture out of its context MEE.
  14. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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  15. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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  16. Multimom

    Multimom New Member

    May 19, 2002
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    DHK or anyone else believing in the cessationist doctrine. Question, if the miracle was the "languages," When Peter stood and made his infamous speech "These men are not drunk as you suppose," The 2Chapter of Acts indicates that there were Jews from every region with every dialect. Did Peter simultaneiously speak in all 30 or 40 dilects or did he repeat his message 30 or 40 times in all unlearned languages. Or did he speak in a heavenly tongue which was discerend by those present as their own dilect. If indeed he spoke it only once, how then did the people with 30 to 40 dialects heard in their own language??

    Also, At Paul's baptism he was filled with theh Holy Ghost, there is no reference to the initial evidence for him being tongues. Also, if you wish to limit the gift of tongues to be for a "intent and purpose" of speaking to those who do not speak your language, or it being solely an unlearned language, then why was it that when others were baptized they also spoke in tongues when there was no one present who would have required a separate language that needed an interpretation. Could this be the actual reference of the "tongues of angels" Paul spoke of in I Corinthians 13?

    Can you in cessationist doctrine justify away the question, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" This indicates a second event occured.

    Just some more questions.

    Also a tip, just because we speak in tongues does not doesn't mean that we are going to hell. And just because you don't doesn't mean you are bound for hell either.

  17. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    Wrong! I told you that I answered them honestly the first time. [​IMG] You are the one that can't understand God's word. Go back and read them again and pray that God opens up you understanding.

  18. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    multimom: according to the oneness/apostolics in my area, tongues is pertinent to salvation.
  19. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    hrhema, is this all you choose to answer or are you going to e-mail the rest? I don't mean to interfere with your life, I'm just trying to figure out something.

  20. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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