let me say this....seriously....I cannot read a persons heart, we know only God can....This man did not deny the trinity.
No he didn't, and no reason to doubt his salvation.
However...he denied about everything else....
Only as a dyed-in-the-wool Calvinist would see it. We have been through most of these points before on various threads in the theology forum.
As he preached this message, between the 12-15 minute mark..listen to what he said.....he could just talk to a sinner and get the sinner to believe is what he said
This is the problem with you (i.e. the Calvinist). It is my way or the Highway. You don't consider what the Bible says other than your pet verses. When the jailer came to Paul and Silas and asked him how to be saved, what did Paul say:
Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
--Paul did not talk about the new heart, the inner working of the Spirit, etc., either. His message was to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, just like you heard in that message. What is so different?
....no mention of God giving the sinner a new heart, enabling the sinner...
Jesus didn't explain that to Nicodemus when teaching about the New Birth.
Paul didn't explain that to the Philippian jailer.
Paul didn't explain those things in Romans 10 where salvation is clearly explained, and neither in 1Cor.15:1-4 where the gospel is defined.
Like I said: You want it "Your way or the highway."
he goes to eph 2....and says that they evil calvinists say the Spirit must quicken the dead sinner......Hello....This is exactly what the text says....he claims it is not necessary.
That is because the Calvinists have a warped definition of "dead." "Death" in the Bible simply means "separation." It does not mean "corpse," or "lifelessness," as so many like to define it. It simply means "separated" as in separated from God. The unsaved is reconciled to God by the Holy Spirit and thus given life. He already had a spirit. Now his spirit is joined with the Holy Spirit in some unexplicable way, and he is reconciled to God. That is being made alive. There was nothing that was actually "dead," in the sense that we usually think of the word. We were simply separated from God.
I do not believe the Spirit of truth is having this man deny the scriptures...it is all of His flesh.
He doesn't deny the Scripture. He uses biblical definitions instead of Reformed Theology's made-up definitions.
Unless he repents of opposing truth he will stand at the white throne saying...
Are you God??
I cannot believe in a God who chooses one and does not choose another, as he says a few times in this message. My god does not do that!
Indeed...but his god will not save him when he hears depart from me ,you who work sin, I never knew you.
Again, a needless judgment not based on Scripture. You will give account to God as much as he will.
Salvation is not a multiple choice.....have it your way propositon....it is God given....in your attempts to fight against what you believe is error...you do a better job of trying to engage the scriptures than this person.
There was much error here....:type:
Your error is not believing what he is trying to teach--that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
That whosoever shall believe on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
That whosoever believes on him shall be saved.
You don't want to believe in the "whosoever's of the Bible.