Two things:
What about Arminianism (besides the accepted view on eternal security) do you think is false.
I bet I can show you that Arminianism represents what you believe very well.
Secondly, God cannot put knowledge out of his mind. That is silly and heterodox.
God cannot cease to be omniscient any more than God can cease to be omnipotent.
The moment God forgets or lacks in power at all is the moment God stops being God.
That is Theology 101.
Thanks, Luke, for actually presenting a theological position. I think it is unbiblical but lets discuss it and see where we end up.
I believe fallen man is able to seek God and put their faith in Christ. This is supported by Romans chapter 7 in my opinion. So this differs with Arminianism which says fallen man cannot seek God or trust in Christ unless aided by "prevenient grace."
I believe in conditional election, but I believe our individual election occurs during our lifetime and not before the foundation of the world, thus I believe Ephesians 1:4 addresses our corporate election, not our individual election for salvation. So this differs from Arminianism too.
I believe Christ died for all mankind, not just for the supposedly previously chosen individuals. I think this matches the Arminian view.
I believe God's grace can be resisted when God allows it to be resisted, and cannot be resisted when God does not allow it to be resisted. Those that hear and understand the call of the gospel have benefited from God's revealing grace. But those that hear and understand are not compelled to believe. Many are called but few are chosen. Now of those who put their trust in Christ to some degree, God may credit or not their faith as righteousness, and those whose faith He credits as righteousness, He spiritually places in Christ. This saving grace cannot be resisted or reversed. He keeps us by the power of God for our inheritance of eternal life.
I believe once a person is spiritually placed in Christ, they are saved forever, with their faith and devotion to Christ protected by God.
So as you can see, I am a one point Calvinist and one point Arminian.
You can claim God cannot put knowledge out of His mind, but about a dozen verses say God does put knowledge out of His mind. He tosses it into the sea. He puts it behind Him. Therefore my view is biblical and you have not one verse to support your contention that God is not able to do what He says He does.
I define Omniscience differently than you, but in a way accepted by many well studied Christians and one that is consistent with all scripture whereas your view nullifies scripture.
I say God has the power to remember no more our sins forever, and you say God cannot do what He promises over and over to do because that would mean He is not the God of your understanding. But He remains the God of the Bible.
Theology 101