You are still dancing around the point, Utilyan: there has been corruption in the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church has addressed that corruption.
Unlike the scenario you try to portray of the Catholic Church being justified in all of her doctrines and practices.
Secondly, you yourself would likely come under judgment of the Church, because your teachings often depart from a traditional and official position of the Church (i.e., the Church never sold indulgences, there has never been corruption on the part of Church officials). You would be considered a heretic if you were hauled before those who hold authority to determine whether your teachings are Catholic or heretical.
Now, when you can apply the realities of the involvement of man in leadership, from whence Doctrine and Practice flow, then you might teach a realistic view of the corruptions that have taken place. While you might never admit the error of Indulgences themselves, at the very least you could admit the fallibility of men, and the Infallibility of what is written in God's Word.
God bless.
If we were to say indulgences are wrong, the first one is READING THE BIBLE.
You practice and indulgence you just don't know it.
Convince me reading the bible is not good for me and you have a solid case against indulgence.
There was corruption under Jesus' administration, One of his apostles Judas Iscariot was stealing and then betrayed Jesus. Under your own logic Jesus can't be justified in all doctrines and practices.
The apostle Judas Iscariot "from whence doctrine and practice flow".
Jesus authorized indulgences in fact he authorized a greater scope called "WHATEVER".
WHATEVER you bind and lose on earth.
Maybe you should focus the exegesis of :
Matthew 18
18“Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
Obviously your going to have to make a case that WHATEVER does not mean WHATEVER.
The church exercises partial use of binding a particular "whatever" in eliminating punishments by penance.
For example you may have been forgiven and still have remorse which is a type of punishment not God inflicted. The remorse is temporal. God forgave you that doesn't mean well he sticks you guilt for eternity.
Reading the bible is a indulgence. The Church has declared BINDING that reading the bible will have an effect on temporal punishment like guilt and remorse.
You ever see some one sell a bible? OH MY GOD, Literally selling indulgences!