I was using the word faith synonymous to religion. Jesus was of the same faith, but Jesus adhered to it in a correct manner.
So was I, and again I ask you, isn't the false following of any religion still false religion? The terms do not change the question.
The Catholic Church claims Oral Tradition, for example, and we can see a parallel between the practice of Indulgences with the loud clanging in the treasury box.
Yes or no?
Did God ever imply that proper following of His will was to be a public matter? In regards to what the religion was meant to teach (i.e., love of God, love of one's neighbor). Similarly, can we in any way justify a doctrinal practice or doctrine which conflicts with what has already been made clear in Scripture?
Only one man could purchase remission of sins, and His name was not Peter, nor a successor of Peter.
So in that way we can determine what is true, and what is false. That does not mean I deny there were Christians in the Catholic Church, just point out the abuse of power by those who had authority over those who were under them.
The point of this a track record or sin scoreboard has no bearing on the teachings themselves.
I have no idea what teachings you refer to.
And I am not sure what you mean by a track record.
I can start a new "independent" religion. Claim well we 100% history of no murderers so obviously you guys are a false religion.
No, you can't start a "new religion," and that is a flase argument Catholics present. The sad fact is that Protestants and Catholics are more alike than any of them would like to admit.
If you start a new fellowship, like Paul did on so many occasions, and missionaries continue to do, the best you can do is be judged as to whether it is a Christian assembly or not. What you boast about as accomplishments, or lack of negative press...is irrelevant to what it means to be a Christian group. If you start it in Kalamazoo, at the heart of it you would be "the Church in/at Kalamazoo." Wouldn't matter if you added Catholic, Pentecostal, or Baptist to your name...you would be known for your doctrine and practice, and that doctrine and practice would not be judged according to Catholic Doctrine, it would be judged according to the Bible.
If the bible claimed well the true church they wear white hats, I can't just out of the blue start wearing a white hat gather group of others to do same. Look we are the ones who do just like the scriptures. So we must be the church. No sir doesn't work that way.
Just for the record...we are the guys wearing the white hats.
But I am not sure why you think this is a valid illustration, because the fact is we do judge what is Christian based on what we read in Scripture. One of the greatest mistakes I think many Protestant and Reformed believers make is reliance on their own tradition and doctrine and practice. I see some who give more attention to creeds than Scripture.
So too with most groups, Tradition can sometimes nullify the actual teachings of Scripture. The tradition of meeting on Sunday, for example, is for some just another version of the Sabbath. If one violates Sunday by working, for example, they are violating the will of God. Doe Scripture teach that?
Jesus Christ started a church.
Actually, Jesus didn't just start the Church, He is still the Builder. Men do not add to the living stones, only God does that.
Despite man's greatest efforts.
. The whole thing can be ran by murderer and thieves.
Sure, as long as they are born again murderers and thieves.
Paul was a murderer, and did rather well running the Church.
If it is IT, it is IT.
There is no church leap frog.
It is IT (the Church) when it falls into obedience and conforms with what God said was and is the Church. And there are quite a lot of passages that make it fairly easy to see what is not the Church. It is for this reason Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have historically been denied as Christian groups.
Agony of garden ,Jesus prayed the church would never leave the face of the earth.
No, Utilyan, Christ did not pray that the Church would never leave the earth.
In fact Christ made it clear that not only was He going to prepare a place for the Church, but that we would be where He was. This speaks primarily of our physical disposition, and shouldn't be confused with the fact that where we are gathered in His Name, He is there. The primary focus of the prayer in the Garden related to the soon coming missionary efforts the Lord intended for the disciples to endeavor in.
Pharaoh must have believed in Sola Scriptura TOO. Cause he didn't pay any mind to anything Moses had to say despite being sent by God.
Kind of forgetting that the Bible did not begin until after the Exodus, aren't you?
But this is one reason why God gave us His Word, Utilyan, that we would have a reed by which we could measure. Your example is humorous (two thumbs up for having a sense of humor), but it does not make a good case for Tradition that does not align with what God has already taught.
The CHURCH, catholic or not, had better be sent by God. All these "churches" who just trying to fit the bill are like someone grabbing a baby photo of yours and then trying to dress like you and copy the image.
So how do we know if it is the Church or not? Truly, because men are involved, there is going to be error in carrying out the will of God, but, my friend, when the error transgresses the will of God we can be sure...it isn't the Church. For example, Catholics take a beating from atheists for the Crusades. No reason to blame the Church (which by extension lays the blame on God), because there is no Biblical justification for military expeditions on the part of the Church. But, we can see Biblical justification for Missionary Efforts, right? Understand?
No matter how hard they try .......They are never the real deal.
I wouldn't be so quick. How would you know they aren't the real deal?
You would not be able to look to Oral tradition to validate a Christian Assembly. So if a group started up and taught that one received the Spirit of God by being baptized, needed to honor Mary, and asked for money that sins might be forgiven, would you deny them as being Catholic?
If so...why?
If not...why?
For folks SWEAR its all on God and there is nothing YOU can do.
And from the eternal perspective...that is precisely what Scripture teaches.
Men are born of God by His will, not their own, not the will of other men, and not through efforts of the flesh. How they come to understand the spiritual things of God, whereby they are convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgment, is through the operation of the God through His Ministry as Comforter. He, the Comforter, does the very same ministry that was accomplished through the Law (the Written Word of God, though we do not have to divorce the Covenant of Law from the Written Word, because you did not have one without the other, and when you did, we see Israel was in rebellion, even when it was still, like for Pharaoh, the Spoken Word of God), for the Law was given to show men their sin and their need for a Savior.
Why start another religion over again thousands and thousands of times?
Why allow the true religion, Christianity, to take on unchristian doctrines and practices? Why, when trying to "reform" such a religion...not get rid of all of the error? lol
And just so you understand, I don't question the validity or sincerity of the salvation of anyone calling themselves Catholic. We owe a great deal to some great men of God who happened to be Catholic.
But when it comes to tradition, while Catholics might stand on Oral Tradition, you are going to have a hard time denying that Sola Scriptura is a bad approach. Sure there are going to be issues some will think Scripture is silent on, but it isn't going to impact Biblical Doctrine, or Christian Doctrine. People can sit around and think of oddball issues to consider (is it Christian to eat licorice?), but I do not see too many gray areas inside or out of Scripture. I feel that all conduct of the Christian is governed by the Word of God, and if there is a question...
...there's an answer in Scripture.
And I equally believe that we can, from Scripture, see the fundamental error of Oral tradition.
God bless.