There will also be more terrorist activities by so called Christian Nationalists.You didn’t see the Nashville massacre on the news. Trans person kills 6 people including 3 children in a Christian school, all as new laws are being passed against surgical and hormonal sexual reassignment of children.
Wake up. It was terrorism, violence for political intimidation.
There are going to be more of these attacks I believe, this is just the start.
You may want to poke your head out of the echo chamber dude.
We are living in the great tribulation and the beast, his prophet, and the great harlot are very active all around us.
Surely you see the irony of your report for April 1st.
Rather than living in fear, I choose to be kind to those who are different from me. We have people all around us who need Jesus.
Finally, I recall that the Apostle Paul was a terrorist before he was a Christian.