Please forgive me if it seems like I am being picky. I just want to get to the issue of the hear attitude. The issue for Jews under the Law was one of a heart attitude of disobedience. While it was impossible to keep the Law, a wilful desire to disobey the Law revealed a heart that was far from God. It is similar to what Paul wrote in Romans 6:1-2a, "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be!" But yes, if a Jew broke the dietary law they would be unclean until evening. Of course, the scenario as presented in the OP, while dramatic, has no ambiguity from the Scripture's perspective. The church is not displaying a lack of love or compassion by asking a person who has been falsely living as a member of the other gender to make an immediate break from that lifestyle. Again, the church should stand beside the person and help them as much as possible but allowing the sin to persist actually causes the church to participate in that sin.
This will be my last post in this thread. While this discussion is germane to the times we live in, I am genuinely grieved by the fact that I am not surprised some Christians have a differing opinion. I have become so jaded at the condition of the church that I have lost the capacity to be shocked. Perhaps that is something I need to repent of. We have a marvelous hope set before us and it is unhealthy to yield to a systemic pessimism.
Even though you decided to not post, I wanted to respond. For this and the previous post presented some thing that I needed to share.
1) I am not discarding the OT. As I posted, the OT provides wonderful and necessary principles to live by.
2) I pointed out that the council specifically dealt with the issues concerning the OT conformity to Jewish customs and rules. They resolved that NO burden would by placed on the Gentiles except three. Such did not and does not do away with any statement in the OT but relegates it from Law to principles to live by for the Gentile. Such principles as each believer then may confront issues and build defenses in the manner of conviction and preferences.
The question then must come what of the Decalogue?
That still stands, for Romans presents that the decalogue is written upon every heart of every person that has ever lived. One reason folk of all cultures have some service to a god is the inner understanding of the Decalogue. Christ mentions that the decalogue was summarized in two statements.
It is important that the BB folks know that at no point am I "discarding the OT" as your and other posters seem to present.
The whole and sole point of me posting on the thread was to bring reasonableness to some posters and to get them to consider that as a new believer who has already grown aware that they are in fact needing to change, must be given time and growth in the Scriptures and reliance upon God in order for such to become a reality.
In doing so, I positioned myself as an advocate for that person. I used Scriptures, I used medical articles, and I attempted to show the inconsistency with some who are supposed to be leaders of their own assembly.
Here are some areas I consider we would be in agreement:
You and I both know that total immersion into perverted sinful living does not only do irreparable damage, but also has mental/emotional issues that must be confronted in a timely fashion that growth in maturity of Scriptures and the Christ will bring resolve. That is the job of the Holy Spirit guiding into all truth in which the believer cannot avoid.
You and I both know that unlike any other sin, the sin of the sensual is from inside the body. That is far different than alcoholism, stealing, murder, ... those things that are outside and taken into the body. (1 Cor. 6:18). As a result, one can physically refrain from those sins which come from outside the body, but when the body itself (lust of the flesh) is so severely devastated by the sensual from within, then there are many things that must be brought under the control by the Holy Spirit. That takes time, and that takes accountability, and that takes a group who will disciple and protect that person (often from self harm). Much prayer, much fasting, much intercession.
That is actually all in essence I was presenting. I was confronting rejection with allowing time for God to work in and through the assembly.
I did not agree that the life was sinless. I questioned whether those who posted need to look closer to their own condition and their own assemblies - even as John stated (and I reminded in posts) every person is a liar. Why should that be a problem in this instance resulting in being excluded from the assembly? I took the position that it shouldn't. It was not a well received position.
Some (as you) present that there is intentional deceitfulness in what is worn and besides it not conforming to the OT. I presented that that wasn't the standard to be used, and that such reasoning was invalid concerning the assembly. Exclusion from the assembly based upon clothing worn is inconsistent as well as inappropriate. Everyone who has a wife or daughter, typically knows first hand that the women (especially teens) dress to be looked at, and are often deceitful in how they physically present themselves - "others have to look at you" is what I have often heard as an excuse. So again, the such deceit should exclude from the assembly? Again, that presents inconsistency with what is already allowed. Modesty is the standard, not what is worn.
Some posters went so far as to assign some pretty nasty comments concerning the character of not just the person of the OP but because I dared to present against their exuberance, my own came into question.
We all have nothing but the OP and another post on this thread concerning this person. It is evident from those posts that the character assassinations were not only inappropriate but evil. Yet, when I defend that person, now I am evil?
See, my friend, you are wise to be grieved. I am, too.
That the BB posters, especially those who are supposed to be church leaders, would engage in such darkness and not bring anything of either light and support in which the original poster could use as even the beginning of a template in helping guide this new convert is just pathetically pitiful.
Would that the BB posters would look upon a new contributor who has started a thread on a very sensitive subject as someone presenting needing guidance, and taking the authority given them, stepped in and brought considerably more wisdom to this thread.
So, I attempted. In doing so, some now suggest I am a liberal, a denier of the faith, a discarder of the Scriptures, and all other manner of demeaning statements that are not even close and actually have distracted from the basic subject.
The question of the OP was a plea for guidance.
Most of this thread has not been guidance, but rejection.
I understand that I will shortly give an account before God.
I would not want to be the one who when ask for guidance offered rejection.