Do you think I've said he crossdresses to pretend? I don't even know what you mean by that.
Dressing like a woman is totally irrelevant to a thread about whether a crossdresser should be extended church membership?
Does God look upon the outward appearance, or the heart.
When the OP states that the person knows their old life was sinful, and cannot be repaired, (as Nicodemus could not be born from the flesh again), then states, "Further, the individual considers themselves “a-sexual” or planning to live a life of celibacy (probably because they’ve destroyed their natural hormones/sex drive)." then it follows that however that person dresses, is of little importance.
They are not dressing to deceive, nor are they dressing to draw attention to themselves.
Unlike, the typical man and woman who dress to deceive and dress to draw attention to themselves.
It would cause more disruption and inappropriate behavior in the workplace, and more shame to the name of Christ, should this person in both the work place and the assembly try to be what they are no longer.
You capitalized the wrong word. "...and such WERE some of you."
And just as this man, such were some of them. "WERE" is not limited to a specific time of only those Paul wrote, but is also that which applies to everyone who is a believer.
This is validated in the passage that starts, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." NO condemnation means.... no condemnation.
This person WAS male, became female, and is no longer either, but content to live as neither.
Should such determination not be presented as admirable?
1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
Crossdressing wasn't common enough in those days to make the short list list, but the principle applies. Because he calls himself a brother, he should be judged more harshly. He wakes up every day and chooses to dress as a woman, and enjoys the attention of young men. With such a man, do not even eat, let alone extend church membership.
You are assigning attitude and motivation to what the OP states is not existing in this person.
They being "a-sexual" do not dress for attention of either sex..
They dress for comfort and modesty. That is what the Scriptures present is appropriate.
The NT didn't share about men dressing as men and women dressing as women. That folks were clothed and worshiping in their right mind was a huge change from what was typical of that day's worship in the heathen places of idols.
The typical heathen worship would make the activities at the the Texas Chicken Ranch blush. Cross dressing was just one of the enticements of the heathen idolatry. Why would you have considered that time of any lesser evil and not common in the Hellenistic and Roman times? The god of this world hasn't changed.
You judge me for telling the truth. You don't judge him for being effeminate. You should fear God who can throw your soul into Hell, rather than fear men who call you hateful but can't do anything more than kill the body.
That person is not a "him." That person is a-sexual, a eunuch. They do not have gender specific hormones as a result of having the male parts and the chemical interventions. Even as Daniel determined to live for God, this person is as far as desires of the flesh - according to the OP is so desirous. Do you condemn Daniel? Daniel didn't have the hormonal intervention this person has had.
How stupid to accuse me of thinking I know his heart. I know him crossdressing. You're the one who thinks you know his heart. I am pretty sure he's a homosexual who enjoys the attention of young men, because that's how he acts, not because I'm a heart-reader. But, you think he doesn't want to wear dresses, and that he's sooo honest. If not for insurmountable minor inconvenience, he'd put on pants.
You have only assumptions based upon your own perspective which is based upon your own hormonal driven desires. But, when one is a eunuch, certainly sensual desire may be a part of them, and they may even engage in fulfillment of that desire. However, when there is no part in which such desire may be fulfilled, and one has determined to set aside such desires as remain, it is not to be dishonored by your assumptions.
What don't you understand about he's a man wanting to wear women's clothing and makeup in church? It has nothing to do with his "whole sensual life." And, yes, if we did know how was living with another man, with a boy tied up in the basement as a sodomy toy, I'd judge that too, but not you.
You now are suggesting that the person is perverted and aligned with devastating dead deeds.
The OP originator as that you read the posts, and it is obvious that wasn't taken seriously.
There is no testimony that this person in which the OP presents is at all of the character and depravity of life in which you are basing assumptions.
And it is totally based upon your assumptions that you are making judgement concerning fellowship and believer standing in Christ.