This post I am quoting or responding to is but the latest example of "finger-pointing".
For you say I am mocking, by your very words.
No, Brother Bob, I am not mocking, in any manner.
The word "moi" is a word in and from the French language, that means "me."
That word is now more and more coming to be a regularly used English word, as well. It is an idiom, and the word, itself, is a first person, singular reflexive pronoun. I normally would have said "me." However, I used the idiom of "moi," for that idiom also carries with it the sense of irony, which seemed to fit very well.
Instead of implying that I was 'mocking,' an admission that you did not really understand what I was getting at, and a simple request for an explanation would have worked better, don't you think? I have never been bothered by such requests, and comply with them, if I see them.
You have in the past suggested that I was "following you around." (I was not, and denied it.)
You have attributed things to me that I never said, and to which I had to reply, to correct.
You have suggested in the past two weeks, if my memory is correct as to the date, that I was effectively accusing you of lying, when I asked words to the effect of, if an incorrect attributing of Scripture to Jesus when John actual said the words was an example of a false statement, even though unintentionally made.
And I believe you have at least implied that I do not believe in repentance, at one time or another, even after I have said this is untrue, because I do not accept the same definition as you, of "repent" as meaning "repent from sins, and/or "turn from sins."
Shall I continue?
Remember, it was you, Brother Bob, and not "moi" who opened both this
and this
IF I POSTED THIS, (I apologize to the board, Please show where I posted this, or retract it), was not meant for this discussion.
I can give further examples of "finger-pointing" directed at me, if you'd like, perhaps with one even from this thread, both by direct statement, rewordings, etc., as well as implication. I'll let any others speak for themselves, as I do not need to pick something that involved another, where I was not a part of any such charges, directed at me.
As an aside, FTR, there are well over 50 instances, on this thread alone, of charges, references to or implication of lies, lying and/or liar and deception, by all parties on the thread, not to mention the implication of at least another 20 of misrepresentations, plus casting aspersions. That figure is not a guess, or approximation, BTW, that is an actual count I made over 24 hours ago, before I stopped counting, at about 55 or 56, although I did see some more, and I still had some 4-5 pages left to be read. Frankly, to all concerned, I find that :tear:
Back to the main point of the post:
You were the one that made the statement that "I have never pointed my finger at anyone on BB." (
Your words, not those of anyone else.) I will grant you that you have not "physically" pointed a finger at me, for I have not ever been in an audience where you spoke directly with or to me, to my knowledge, and certainly not since I have been on the Baptist Board.
But I suggest that both you and I know that the physical act is not really what you meant by "I never pointed my finger at anyone on BB," now, is it?
And I'm pretty sure it is certainly not what most of us on the Baptist Board would think of, mean, or understand by 'finger pointing.'
So I will ask you once again. Will it really be necessary for me to invest the time to look up and copy and paste additional instances of "finger-pointing," where I am concerned?
I assure you I can dig them out, else I would not have responded, in the first place, but really prefer that you take my word for it (even though I do not really expect you will), and save me a couple of hours of re-reading posts, to pull up instances.