The above is pure, unadulterated foolishness. You'll have to come up with a different theory.
May I ask you why conservative scholars do not cite the KJV as a primary translation in their works? Are they poor learners?
Have you ever been to a KJVO website before? Haven't you noticed their poor English (after wading through all thei muti-colored sentences and a plethora of exclamation marks). David Cloud's site is one grand exception.
When I made my observation I did not have conservative (or liberal) Bible scholars, or the people who run wack-job websites in mind. My observation is on the lack of exposure to varied forms of English literature on the part of the general public.
In a growing number of fast food restaurants in the US the customer is expected to point to a picture of what he/she wishes to order, then the person taking the order will push a button on the cash register that has a matching picture. Given that sad state of affairs, I believe it is only a matter of time before we see a "Bible translation" in comic book format with lots of pictures and very few words.
Before you quoted me did you even read all of what you cut from my comments? Did you somehow not notice where I said:
"the problem that many (but I don't mean to suggest all or even most) people have?"