This has been answered many times. Simply to save time and space, see this article.
I will read this later and answer it when I have more time if that is okay with you, brother? I will not avoid it just because it is a link I may or may not agree with.
Tradition, and it was soon removed which would not have happened if they considered it scripture.
It is quite well known that the translator who was head of the committee made the decision. It was only a few verses. The committee had many more manuscripts and chose to accept the minority number available, but I am not an expert on the actual history. The Biblical books that I have, written by conservative Baptist authors explain the background of the Catholic selections of King James--remember, King Henry the eighth started his own church which today is the Episcopal church in American, Anglican Church in England where they still follow the Catholic tradition of worship. The strange thing is that the evangelical Catholics in America as they are called are much less liberal than the local Episcopal, which had half its members leave when the minister admitted he was gay and half he members left (this is the Bible belt) and the Episcopal Churches of America (I believe is the correct name) actually paid the difference of loss of funds to support the church and its gay pastor. This occurred twenty years ago when I was around thirty years old here in town.
They had the scriptures in the original languages that were used to translate the KJB. How could they have translated the scriptures if they did not have these texts?
They actually had more, but used what they chose. Obviously they picked manuscript pieces that were obviously not much older than the Bible. While in reality if you will compare the Bishop's Bible, you will find that the wording is very close, but different in places. The only RT that really exists is more of a reverse engineering of the KJV English version. Look at the dates, and which particular RT are you speaking about, there are at least two. Besides, the RT only relates to the NT and the Old Testament has been kept well by well meaning Jews. Obviously, there were several versions in Jesus' day because quotes in the NT don't always match any document we can find and its called scripture. That means there were MV OT books circulating in different languages in Jesus' day?
I believe any translation based on and faithful to the RT would be the word of God in that language. I believe any translation based on the CT would be error. I have no problem with the scriptures being translated into any language and think they should be as long as the correct line of text is used.
Maybe we are getting somewhere. The NKJV used the most reliable RT that we are aware of. So, you are saying it is a good translation?
So, the scriptures should be dumbed down? Are you an educator? As far as handling snakes and drinking poison, those were the signs of the apostles.
Did you see me say "Dumb down"? This is an old KJVO argument to the fact that our kids learn English 200 years later and you expect them to read a document printed in 1769?"
Don't ever say that I said to "Dumb" down the Scriptures. You have read my posts and they are clear that our language evolves and our words in 1611 are NOT the same as 200 years ago. Look at the list that was placed on all of the words that mean different things today and then tell me a six year old can REALLY understand even 10% of the KJV compared to translation printed in their language.
Haven't I said, over and over that the language changes so fast that new translations are very effective in keeping God's Word understandable to all and not just those who grew up in a King James Church where they memorized it over adn over. My background was KJV, but I try to read it to my six year old and unlike me, he cannot understand it. Do we waste our time teaching the kids what the words mean?
I have heard KJVO claiming preachers over and over say: "Now that verse means...." and he will clarify it usually with a rendering just like the NIV if not quoted from the NIV.
But, he dare not use the NIV to read, but he uses it to explain what he just read. This is more common than you think. He just doesn't want the old timers to fire him; while he compare's translations on a computer, printing out two versions for his notes.
2 Cor 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.
Now I don't know, I like the way the NIV used footnotes, but the end of Mark just does not fit from a grammatical point of view as a correct ending and what is the oldest Manuscript that this is found in? If these verses are left out, do they change my theology? Absolutely not. But, if we follow it, we have people who don't understand that "yes, there were miracles, but to handle snakes or drink poison could cause people to do it and DIE today. Just like the people who have so much faith they won't take their kids to the doctor when a shot of antibiotic will save them. God gave us brains to develop those antibiotics just as he expects us to use them to study the manuscripts with scientific methods to determine the lifestyles, accuracy and dates to see if they are closer to the time of Jesus than a copy of a copy of a copy by hand for 1500 years.
Did God give us brains to be dumb?
So, it is pure coincidence that just as the KJB was published that England became the world's first global super power and took the KJB and the gospel to every continent and nation, and that America did the same? How fortunate.
England was a socialist, Catholic minded global super power whipped by the United States of America while England tried to sue many times for printing bootlegged copies of the KJV. The KING wanted the money and the KJV printing was OUTLAWED by England. Although they failed to stop it in the US after we declared our freedom and publishers essentially took their copyrighted material and used it. And YES I believe it STILL maintains a copyright in England on the KJV. They just don't have coverage from the rest of the world due to the 200 year old changes in political links between countries.
What a silly question, God can and does help sincere people that trust in him.
It was meant to be silly; because God still listens to us, but he certainly didn't promise a man with the capability of being able to translate a perfect translation. He promised to keep His word and as I said, Maybe the translation of the ancient Greek words we translate to God's Word might better be understand if translated more accurately to "Message"? Can a translator tell me if this is possible?
No, but there was another line of scriptures preserved by the eastern churches, this is where the RT came from. These groups and churches were persecuted by the RCC. There are many articles you can find on this subject.
You ask me for specifics, WHAT eastern churches, in what country and what denomination and where do you obtain your information? Don't quote another KJVO site, I can find ANYTHING including porno on the internet if I don't know its source.
Why did you go there in the first place? I will not and have never attended a church that used other than the KJB. And I was not indoctrinated to be KJB only, I came to this on my own when I was a young man first saved. I simply believed that God promised to preserve his word and that God always keeps his word, so the word of God must exist in the world today. Through prayer and study I came to believe that the KJB is the word of God in English.
As for you daughter, if she thinks that being KJB only is wrong, then she should go to the church of her choice. If she has to travel, that is unfortunate, but that is what she should do if she feels that strongly about it. I would.
To be with my daughter. I told you it was a small town and its 90 miles to the nearest city. I'm sure I want my 22 year old daugher and her 2 year old and husband driving 90 miles on Sundays and Wednesdays. Didn't you hear me tell you there are limited churches that I would go to and none are perfect, not even yours? Yes, your church is not perfect either, so why do you go there?
We don't rant and rave about the MVs in our church, the subject only comes up very infrequently. There is another Baptist church in our town that uses modern versions, a person is free to go there if they don't agree with our doctrine.
I don't see how it would be a problem unless a person is dead set against the KJB to begin with. You folks say the KJB is the word of God, then why is it a problem? Should a church use multiple versions? How does that edify the church, how is that orderly?
From the way you talk, you would vote someone out just because they read from an NIV from the alter. Am I right? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but your argument here is just ridiculous. I have trouble believing it based on your statements about us "MV people.":BangHead: