Greetings again steaver,
I will simply state my belief, but do not want to discuss this subject at length. I believe that the Holy Spirit is the power of God that He uses for specific purposes. The parallelism in the following passage gives some indication of this.
Luke 1:35 (KJV): And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Kind regards
Of course the Holy Spirit is the power of God, and you know why you believe this? Because it is what the scripture says about the Holy Spirit. Yet, you reject any scripture that states the Holy Spirit is a person, a person with God power. You also have rejected many scriptures which state the Spirit of CHrist is the Spirit of God.
My reasons for not wanting to further pursue the subject of the Holy Spirit is the following:
1. In my earlier Posts I have attempted to carefully establish that there is One God the Father and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And I have carefully established through scripture that Jesus is God, and the title Son of God is known by Jews and Muslims alike to equate Jesus with God.
2. What I presented was carefully chosen and the result of my consideration of this subject over many years. Although I have adopted many ideas from my spiritual environment, what I wrote was not a parrot version of what I have been taught. These things have become my own thoughts and reasoning on this important subject.
I have asked you this before and you have not answered, why is this an important subject for you? Does it matter if a person worships Jesus as God in your view? Can a person worship Jesus as God and be forgiven and saved?
3. The selection of material was deliberate, focussing on only a portion of the whole subject, but sufficient in my estimation to establish and confirm my belief.
The Apostle Paul was totally convinced in his owm mind that Jesus was not the Son of God, which for Paul, being a Hebrew, understood full well that this title meant Diety. The only way one can understand the Spirit of God is to have the Spirit of God indwellement.
4. The selection was also designed to negate the teaching on the Trinity, even using some of the best known verses that are usually selected to support the Trinity.
And without the power of God behind the teaching it is easily revealed to those who know the truth to be false. The Godhead is revealed from Genesis through Revelation.
5. In contrast I have not carefully considered the subject of the Holy Spirit, except in a general, and overall sense.
6. I do not believe Jesus Christ is part of the Trinity, and the Scriptures used to attempt to teach that the Holy Spirit is the 3rd member of the Trinity seem to me obscure at the best.
7. Concerning the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the same applies as to my lack of preparation and thoughts on this subject.
To be quite honest with you I am a specialist in certain areas, and have only a general appreciation of other areas. I will leave this area to you and anyone else that would like to discuss this aspect with you. I appreciate the time and effort that you have put into responding to my various posts.
You should study the indwellement of the Holy Spirit, for this is of the utmost importance! Because unless one has the Spirit of God in them, they are not of God.
This is a life and death issue! One of us is preaching the Jesus Paul preached and one of us is preaching another Jesus. Paul is clear, if anyone preach another Jesus than the one he preached, he is cursed of God.
I would carefully reconsider what you believe you have discovered on your own studies. The scripture states that God has given us preachers and teachers, what preachers and teachers do you know who preach this Jesus you preach? I know the JW's preach this Jesus you preach. Can you name a Christian denomination which does?