Greetings again steaver,
When you get the time Trevor, please answer the other questions in my last post so we can be clear as to whom we are speaking of when you say "majority".
It is important so that I may understand your position and how you apply passages of scripture, and to whom.
Daniel 7 speaks of the development of a religious system that would persecute “the saints” Daniel 7:21. I consider the little horn of the 4th beast to be the RCC and the saints to be the faithful from the time of the appearance of this little horn. I will let you estimate when the RCC started to persecute those who did not conform to all their doctrines, including their espousal of the Trinity. By the way I am not an Arian in belief, as I do not hold to the pre-existence of Jesus.
The following is a brief summary and index of my involvement in some of the Posts. In these I have attempted to establish that the Scriptures reveal that there is One God, the Father, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. By contrast the popular doctrine of the Trinity is not taught in the Scriptures of truth.
P1#8: John 17:3 There is One God the Father, John 20:28 cf John 10:30-36 Explanation of why Jesus is called God
P2#13: Response concerning John 10:30-36;
P2#14: Psalm 8:4-6, 80:17, Luke 1:30-35, 2:40,52 Explanation of the origins of Jesus, his birth and development
P3#21: 1 Cor 8:6 There is One God the Father; Luke 1:35, John 1:14, 1 Tim 2:5, Psalm 110:1 Jesus is the Son of God by birth, by moral character and present status in glory after the resurrection; Luke 1:35 The Holy Spirit is God’s power that proceeds from Him.
P3#21: John 17:11,21 explain the meaning of the unity expressed in John 10:30
P4#36: Isa 50:4-5, Phil 2:8-11 Further explanation of the origins of Jesus, his birth and development
P4#37: Initial response to John 8:58 “I am”, by looking at Exodus 3:14-15, 12, 6:1-8, 15:1-3 and suggesting “I will be” is the preferred translation in these OT passages
P4#40: Additional response concerning John 10:30-36; 1 Cor 15:25-28 Christ’s future subjection to the Father; The role of the judges who were called Gods or Elohim Exodus 21:6, 22:8-9, Deut 1:17, 2 Chron 19:6
P5#41: Further explanation of the future rendition of the Yahweh name “I will be” showing the fulfillment in Jesus Exod 15:2, Numb 14:21, Psalm 118:14-25, Matt 1:20-21.
P5#44: Response to Evidence 4: Isa 9:6, and Evidence 2: John 1:1 using Gen 1:3, Psalm 8:1-6, Matt 11:25-27
P5#45: Explanation of the plural of Gen 1:26-27 using Psalm 8:4-6
P5#49: Acts 8:5,12, Rom 6:1-8 used to explain “born of water”
P6#51: Further Scriptures teaching that there is One God the Father and that Jesus is the Son of God: Deut 6:4, Mark 12:28-30, Acts 2:22,36, Mark 13:32, Rev 1:1, 1 Cor 15:25-27, Matt 11:25-27, 28:18, John 3:34-35; Further Scriptures illustrating the OT usage of the word “God” (Elohim): Gen 17:1,22, Exod 3:2-6, Psalm 8:5, Heb 2:5-7
P6#55: Additional response concerning Evidence 4: Isa 9:6, and Evidence 2: John 1:1 using Josh 5:13-15, Heb 2:13, Isa 55:10-11
P7#64: Additional response concerning Evidence 4: Isa 9:6, and Evidence 2: John 1:1
P7#69: Response to Evidence 1: Col 1:13 using reference material (not my own work)
P8#71: Explanation of the Spirit of Christ using Eph 3:14-21
P8#75: Consideration of Heb 1:2 using Heb 2:9 and Psalm 8
P9#83: Jesus the Son of God 2 Sam 7:12-16, Luke 1:35; An attempt to set a context for Isa9:6 to show that “Mighty God” means mighty warrior or champion.
P10#91: A comment on John 1:14
P10#97: Brief response to plurality in Gen 1:2,26-27, 3:22, 11:7, 1 Sam 4:8, Isa 6:8,3
P11#104: Response concerning 1 John 5:7-8 (KJV).
P11#105: Explanation of “Christ in you” using Gal 1:15-16 and extract on Paul’s transformation.
P11#108: Further response concerning 1 John 5:7-8 (KJV).
P11#109: Brief response to made in image of angels using Gen 1:26-27, Psalm 8, Heb 2
P12#111: Further response concerning 1 John 5:7-8 (KJV).
P12#112: Explanation of “Christ in you” and “born again” using Gal 2:20, 3:1, Phil 3:8-14, Eph 4:22-24, 4:28.
P12#119: Further explanation of the plurality in Gen 1:26-27 using Psalm 8:5,1, Heb 2:7,9
P13#126: God the Father is the only true God John 17:1-3; The title “The Son of God” is greater than the title “God” when applied to Jesus John 20:28-31.
P13#128: Jesus was human nature not Divine nature before his exaltation Heb 2:14, 1 John 4:1-3
P14#133, 137, 140: The “Sprit” within: direct or through the absorption of the Word of God?
P15#142: Quotation of a summary concerning the Bible teaching on God the Father, rather than the Trinity
P15#148: John 8:58 – A consideration of the “I am” passages of John’s gospel
P16#151: Response concerning John 8:58; comment on Dan 7:21; citation of Isaac Newton’s belief.
P16#152, 157: Jewish resistance to doctrine of the Trinity
P18#171: The spirit of Christ Heb 4:12-13, 1 Peter 1:10-12
P18#173: History of the development of the belief in the Trinity – citations from book
Kind regards