Turkey is our ally. The Kurds are just Iranian terrorists we joined up with because we both wanted to destabilize Iraq in the past (and then both wanted to fight ISIS). We helped them with their goals, even though we had no honest self-interest to do so. Everything the Kurds did, they did for themselves. They didn't do anything for us, so we owe them nothing. And, if they weren't terrorists, Turkey wouldn't be doing anything to them. But, if they weren't terrorists, the US wouldn't have allied with them in the first place (they would have been no use to us).
Yes, we should pull troops out of Germany. But, at least those troops aren't there to nation build nor fight anyone else's battles (at the moment, or any time soon). They were put there as as result of a military threat by a Communist superpower against very close Christian European allies. They weren't put there under false pretenses nor to protect Muslim "allies". And, now it's time for them to come back to America. The Cold War is over. Besides, with where Germany is going, Russian rule would be an improvement.