You're either for Jesus or you're against Him. Like supporting the Mormon,it's rather difficult to profess a love for Christ while supporting someone who rejects Him.
You’ve been riding on and getting away with this false dilemma fallacy around here far too long. You’re not voting for Jesus, or against Him, you are voting between the 2 humans He has put before you.
What I partially deduce is that there are a lot of Christians who don't care that they have been given a commission by God to make disciples.
This vote has nothing to do with making disciples, your argument does absolutely nothing to prove that Christians don’t care about that commission, the two are not even related. Trump is not running for Pastor in Chief. Your argument has absolutely no validity whatsoever toward proving your conclusion that to vote between the 2 human choices is going against Christ.
They would much rather try their own way by supporting that which is against Christ and somehow thinking they are gonna change the country for the good.
Trump has expressed more support for Christian Religious Freedom than any candidate I’ve ever seen, and YET you question beg that voting for him is going against Christ. You still haven’t supported your false dilemma argument on even one point and merely offer another fallacy while question begging your conclusion that it is against Christ.
For some reason there is a synaptic disconnect that tells them that you change the country by making more disciples, not by electing someone who is against Christ.
Another example of your stereotypical question begging, to begin with you don’t know that Christ doesn’t want you to His work through Trump.
You like so many Christians are trying to fix things through politics instead of God's way.
I think it more likely you reject His way of placing Christians in the world to make a difference through making the best of these choices as you preach to them they should bury their vote, thereby removing any Christian influence in the choice of leadership of your nation whatsoever. – if you had your way.
Perhaps this is again why God keeps giving us more of what we don't want.
And perhaps, the reason is because too many Christians believe they should bury their head, and vote, in the sand. - as you encourage.
Four years ago, some of you supported a man who rejects Christ in private. Now you're supporting a man who rejects Christ in public. The only thing left is for some of you to support a candidate who says he is an atheist.
Four years ago I’m pretty sure you were busy trying to convince Christians to bury their vote based on the same mislead principles which took the Christian influence out of the decision whether or not the candidate was Christian. Perhaps that is your true goal, I don’t know, for sure. I do seriously doubt any Christian candidate, regardless if he stood up for Christian values and put them at the forefront, would ever meet your approval.
I consider it a self-serving lie based on spin that Trump rejects Christ. Even if he personally struggles with theological issues his values of supporting Christian liberty and being anti-abortion far outweigh his opponent values and give a Christian reason to choose. You and others love saying things like, “I seriously doubt my Savior is going to be angry with me for not voting for a lying, greedy, angry, hateful, adulterous, covetous man like Donald Trump.” While failing to consider that Jesus might tell you that you also are a “lying, greedy, angry, hateful, adulterous, covetous man” that refused to do His work through those He put in front of you while making the excuse that he was too full of sin and you feared your Master was too strict for you to use your God given attributes so you buried (wasted) your choice/vote saying it was in His name that you did so.
If you're supporting that which is against Christ then you too are against Christ.
And again you base this on your false dilemma fallacy, purely same old unsubstantiated claim that voting for between 2 humans is a vote for sin and therefore not for Christ.