Well-Known Member
You’ve been riding on and getting away with this false dilemma fallacy around here far too long. You’re not voting for Jesus, or against Him, you are voting between the 2 humans He has put before you.
Oh gosh. Save the whole psych 101 babble for someone who is off-put or impressed by it.
This vote has nothing to do with making disciples, your argument does absolutely nothing to prove that Christians don’t care about that commission, the two are not even related.
Sure it does unless you're utilizing a secular worldview instead of a Christ-following worldview. It's obvious the one YOU are using.
Trump is not running for Pastor in Chief.
I was wondering when someone would throw that most foolish retort out again. SO let me respond as I have before. If Trump isn't running for Pastor in Chief(just another way for you and others to try and take Christ out of the equation so that you don't have to acknowledge your opposition to HIS Way), then shut your mouths when it comes to anything moral or immoral. Don't say anything about abortion. Don't say anything about a candidate supporting gay marriage. None of it. Keep your mouth closed as morality based on Christ is not what you're looking for.
Your argument has absolutely no validity whatsoever toward proving your conclusion that to vote between the 2 human choices is going against Christ.
Sure it does except to the ones who want to remove Christ from the equation so that they don't have to acknowledge their opposition to HIS Way. That would be YOU.
Trump has expressed more support for Christian Religious Freedom than any candidate I’ve ever seen, and YET you question beg that voting for him is going against Christ. You still haven’t supported your false dilemma argument on even one point and merely offer another fallacy while question begging your conclusion that it is against Christ.
Big deal.
This type thinking brings to mind the Scripture about God wanting our Obedience over our little perceived sacrifices.
What good is your "Christian religious freedom" if every opportunity you get you're giving a testimony for that which is against Christ? Pure foolishness personified.
Another example of your stereotypical question begging, to begin with you don’t know that Christ doesn’t want you to His work through Trump.
Another example of your trying to impress with your psychobabble.
If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Mark 3:25
I might do His work underneath a Trump Presidency if HE so chooses, but I certainly won't do it "through Trump".
I think it more likely you reject His way of placing Christians in the world to make a difference through making the best of these choices as you preach to them they should bury their vote, thereby removing any Christian influence in the choice of leadership of your nation whatsoever. – if you had your way.
You've already shown that you haven't included Christ in YOUR thinking, so at the end of the day, why should ANY Christian care what you think? Your reasoning is about YOU and getting someone in the White House who best suits YOU and what YOU want.
My goodness. For some reason I thought that you were more mature in Christ than this. But you display a reasoning that says Christ is not to be involved in "your " politics because YOU have a better understanding for what YOU and YOUR country need.
And perhaps, the reason is because too many Christians believe they should bury their head, and vote, in the sand. - as you encourage.
What you're burying your head in the sand to is the same thing that Christians buried their heads in the sand to during slavery and Jim Crow: God has ALREADY spoken to how we should respond You just don't like that way and want to do it YOUR way.
Four years ago I’m pretty sure you were busy trying to convince Christians to bury their vote based on the same mislead principles which took the Christian influence out of the decision whether or not the candidate was Christian. Perhaps that is your true goal, I don’t know, for sure. I do seriously doubt any Christian candidate, regardless if he stood up for Christian values and put them at the forefront, would ever meet your approval.
Pish posh. You talk just like a worker of iniquity trying to sound like you're for a Christian influence when your every word salivates against the Christ you seem to think YOUR way supports. It is beyond pure foolish to think that supporting that which is against Christ is "Bizarro world" now an influence for Christ.
I consider it a self-serving lie based on spin that Trump rejects Christ.
You consider it what you want. You seem to consider what you want a whole lot more than you want to consider Christ in YOUR politics. And to be clear Trump, the man you keep trying to push, has made it clear that he's never asked God for forgiveness of his "actions".
Now you try and massage and finagle that all you want. But wait and see who it really looks like is trying to sell a self -serving lie about Trump rejecting or not rejecting Christ.
Even if he personally struggles with theological issues his values of supporting Christian liberty and being anti-abortion far outweigh his opponent values and give a Christian reason to choose.
dude save it. You don't want Christ in your politics. But keep going to this morality well of being anti-abortion when you're not trying to elect a Pastor-in-chief.
You and others love saying things like, “I seriously doubt my Savior is going to be angry with me for not voting for a lying, greedy, angry, hateful, adulterous, covetous man like Donald Trump.”
You still trying to set yourself up to justify support for Trump.
While failing to consider that Jesus might tell you that you also are a “lying, greedy, angry, hateful, adulterous, covetous man” that refused to do His work through those He put in front of you while making the excuse that he was too full of sin and you feared your Master was too strict for you to use your God given attributes so you buried (wasted) your choice/vote saying it was in His name that you did so.
Nope. God is not a God of confusion. He may ultimately choose to do those things through having a Pharaoh-type in office. But He certainly isn't going to call His people to go against what He has commanded to do so. That would be beyond stupid and something God DOES NOT do.
And again you base this on your false dilemma fallacy, purely same old unsubstantiated claim that voting for between 2 humans is a vote for sin and therefore not for Christ.
And again you come back with the psych 101 babble. You don't want Christ in your politics but want to complain about the moral condition of the Democrat candidate as reason for you supporting Trump.