Government employees are probably liberals but they are going to be paid for all of the time when they were at home. During the Great Depression, Texas could not pay school teachers so they issued worthless checks and then teachers took them to the banks to be discounted, or so one professor told us. Govt employees without enough cash reserves, and they make more money than private sector workers, can get short term loans on the basis that they will get all of their money eventually. So your point is about inconvenience, like filing with the IRS and paying high rates for big government that gets paid whether they work or not, for example. Actually, I would like to pay them to stay home all the time. We have the army finance center here in Indianapolis and General Bean was in charge of the finance center as well as the now defunct Fort Benjamin Harrison. Indianapolis television asked General Bean upon the occasion of his retirement, "General, how many people work at the army finance center/" He replied, "Oh, about half."
That’s great but maybe we can avoid the blanket stereotypes of lazy government workers and remember that air traffic controllers and the Coast Guard probably aren’t the laziest of people.