Can you tell me what the "Russians" actually, tangibly, did to stop people from walking to their polling station and voting? I have yet to hear of one actual thing the "Russians" did to illegally get Trump elected.
I'll take a shot at it.
Russian government hackers gave WikiLeaks the Clinton DNC emails. WikiLeaks distributed these emails, starting at about the beginning of the DNC convention and kept up a constant drip, drip, drip of leaks as the election wore on. This was enough for many, many Democrats, especially Bernie Sanders democrats, to give up on Hillary and stay home and not vote.
It helped that the FBI said just before the election that they might have more emails that could possibly indict Hillary Clinton. It's highly likely that people conflated the stories about Clinton's private emails with the WikiLeaks emails and just decided not to vote for her.
You get 77,000 disenchanted Hillary voters in Pennsylvania and 20,000 in Wisconsin to stay home and Trump wins.