Ok since you want to make this about the press:Which means exactly nothing on the subject at hand...treatment by the press.
You would have a point if members of the media actuallyt pulled the trigger.
As it is, you have nothing to refute Trump's statement.
When has any press called Trump ""hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman." as was said about John Adams
Adam supporting press on the other hand said that if Jefferson was elected "“we would see our wives and daughters the victims of legal prostitution.” and that “murder, robbery, rape, adultery and incest will openly be taught and practiced.”
And lets not forget that John Adams pushed for and signed the Alien and Sedition act partly to end the "Fake News" being brandied about during his time in office.
John Q Adams partisan Press went after Jackson and his wife calling her a bigamist, and Jackson himself blamed the negative press for her death a few days after he won
Jackson's Partisan press accused Q Adams for having setting up an American Prostitute for the Czar Alexander I
The partisan Press for the Whigs claimed that James Polk was a slave trader by making up a fake excerpt to a book.
So no Trump does not have it the worst of any politician ever in the history of mankind. I'm just looking at American History here. Expand that to all of world history and we will find all kinds of politicians who have had it much worse than Trump.