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But it's irrelevant to me anyway since they don't need to be trying to legislate morality anyway.
So it's a non starter, IMO. I want a neutral government that affords maximum freedom. THAT is what gives us the right to keep worshiping.
I'm trying to remember; how many of His disciples went on to fix the world by changing laws?
Also, if we allow the law and belief to be merged, then are you okay when decades from now the muslim lawmakers are setting your policies?
Food for thought.
Pew is generally trustworthy and unbiased, but it is hard to reconcile that with what I experienced, myself.
I am a regular evangelical church attendee and literally everyone I have spoken to in our church voted for President Trump.
I never supported either.
Explain the mental process that causes you to draw conclusions based on no evidence.
And where is that apology that you owe me?
Why do I owe an apology? What did I accuse you of? I merely said Christians shouldn't be pro choice.
No, you claimed that I was in favor of abortion. (That part was edited out by the Administration.) Your apology is warranted because you cannot quote me anywhere on this site saying as much.
You must have been in the slow class. Keep up and pay attention.
Sorry, that's not what I said. You is plural or singular in the english language. I'm merely say you (plural) should be be pro life and vote pro life if your'e a Christian. you don't vote pro life for some reason please explain.
I tried google, and couldn't get an answer, but was Pew the firm that quit doing actual election polls? I know it was one of the major polling companies.It's not hard to reconcile your experience with Pew's actual polls and analysis.
The disconnect is with others' pronouncements that misrepresent Pew's research.
Plural "You" did not fit the context of what you wrote. Be honest.
I can say that I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you say you're pro life. But I look at your posting history and don't see it.
True, but call it what it is instead of trying to give it an unwarranted spiritual context. Mixing humanist precepts with doctrine will never work out. Apples and oranges.I'd be very with this. Do you also disagree with the abolitionist movement? Civil rights movement? These were political.
Just because something is political doesn't mean it's not wrong and shouldn't be fought.
Yes, as long as their policies are going to preserve our freedoms and make the nation greater. Keep in mind, a vote for a candidate has absolutely nothing to do with their married life, or lack thereof, whose dressing room they walk into. When my car needs a mechanic I want the man who knows how to FIX it. I don't evaluate the spiritual condition and behavior of the mechanic. We could use the example of a doctor also. There are plenty of decent, well mannered, Christian doctors out there who still practice medicine like it's 1959. Sure, I can worship with them, but don't let them cut me open, I want the one with the credentials, and so should you. Trump has proven to be a leader of men, and that's what the nation needs, that's what it has always needed.So better to have a guy that says to "grab women by the pu_______, just walk right up to them and kiss them". A guy that's been divorced twice and has owned casinos. A man that sneaks into the dressing rooms of his beauty pageants while the contestants are changing their clothes. A foul-mouthed man that said because he slept around so much that avoiding STD's was his own personal Viet Nam. A guy that thinks the communion plate is the offering plate and put money into it. Someone that says he gets audited so many times because he's such a strong Christian.
That's the kind of guy that Christians should vote for?
Yes, as long as their policies are going to preserve our freedoms and make the nation greater. Keep in mind, a vote for a candidate has absolutely nothing to do with their married life, or lack thereof, whose dressing room they walk into. When my car needs a mechanic I want the man who knows how to FIX it. I don't evaluate the spiritual condition and behavior of the mechanic. We could use the example of a doctor also. There are plenty of decent, well mannered, Christian doctors out there who still practice medicine like it's 1959. Sure, I can worship with them, but don't let them cut me open, I want the one with the credentials, and so should you. Trump has proven to be a leader of men, and that's what the nation needs, that's what it has always needed.
....By definition, a person with good morals has already got a great start on having good judgment. A person that cheats on his wife, runs a business that makes money off the misery of losing hard earned dollars (casinos), walks into dressing rooms to peep on naked women, fondles women without their consent, does not have good judgment, IMO.
I'll be honest, I'm not very familiar with PEW research council, but I know they are at least reputable. Still, I find it odd that they felt the need to even take this particular poll, and also that there are people ( outside of those actually running the campaigns) who feel the results are beneficial in any sense, as if people actually vote for a candidate based off of the belief system of a candidate's supporters. ???It's not hard to reconcile your experience with Pew's actual polls and analysis.
The disconnect is with others' pronouncements that misrepresent Pew's research.
This is a great post.Yes, as long as their policies are going to preserve our freedoms and make the nation greater. Keep in mind, a vote for a candidate has absolutely nothing to do with their married life, or lack thereof, whose dressing room they walk into. When my car needs a mechanic I want the man who knows how to FIX it. I don't evaluate the spiritual condition and behavior of the mechanic. We could use the example of a doctor also. There are plenty of decent, well mannered, Christian doctors out there who still practice medicine like it's 1959. Sure, I can worship with them, but don't let them cut me open, I want the one with the credentials, and so should you. Trump has proven to be a leader of men, and that's what the nation needs, that's what it has always needed.
Hmmm...I'm not convinced Trump is a leader of men. I think God ultimately gave the US what He willed for a much greater purpose than a nation.
What I pray is that President Trump is used by God for good. Good may not be what we think it is, however.
Hmmm...I'm not convinced Trump is a leader of men. I think God ultimately gave the US what He willed for a much greater purpose than a nation.
What I pray is that President Trump is used by God for good. Good may not be what we think it is, however.
Why blame God for our mess?