You said that I am pro-abortion which everyone on here knows is a all out lie. That lie shows the weakness of your moral relativist position.
Here is the Truth: Trump praised Baby Killing Planned Parenthood for the whole world to see.
I'm not the only pro-lifer that has a huge problem with that:
By the way the fact that you have a problem with me calling out Planned Parenthood for their baby killing is very ironic.
Life Action News
Susan B Anthony List:
With those sites on my side I'm in good company.
Here is some more truth:
Overturning Roe v Wade will not save unborn babies. What it does it turn that decision back to the states. NY California and other liberal states will continue to allow the murder of babies. States like North and South Dakota will get rid of their one remaining abortion center, but women in those states will still be free to go to another state. Now don't misunderstand me I'm all for it being overturned as it makes local efforts to help unborn easier but I'm also not holding my breath waiting for the SCOTUS to do anything (especially given this quote from Gorsuch "“it is not sufficient to overturn a long-established precedent for five current judges to believe a previous decision was wrongly decided.”) I'm being active now, working with women around me as that is how lives both born and unborn are saved. As the 5 states that only have 1 abortion center shows that when you have a strong local pro-life group you can work around Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade is not an excuse to wring your hands and say nothing can be done until its overturned. That is what Crisis Pregnancy centers are for. And there is nothing stopping anyone from sharing the gospel with a women looking to kill her baby as that is where the ultimate power lies.
So what are you doing in your local community to help the unborn? Or have you outsourced your responsibility to DC?