I wasn't aware of it when I lived there (1976-2006). But since then I've had an experience that showed me I simply wasn't aware of what was really going on. Maybe things have changed recently with Trump's influence.
A good friend of mine (black) who's in his late 60's now used to be a multi-millionaire. He had a college degree and a position with Disney that involved traveling the world as a kind of ambassador for the company. He also had a great baritone voice. He sang with various opera companies including the Met and had his own solo performance at Carnegie Hall. But then one day he had a terrible accident, falling off a stage backwards onto a concrete floor. He was in a comma for 6 months and when he woke up he was partially paralyzed. He found out that his wife had committed suicide because she didn't believe he would ever come out of the comma.
Since then he's had about $7M worth of surgery just to keep him alive. After a while his Disney insurance cut him off. He then went on Medicaid Disability. His apartment was subsidized and his medical bills taken care of. He can only get around using a motorized wheel chair. His example is just one reason I get mad about people talking about cutting off "welfare bums." This man is a former rich man who had travelled the world and sung at the highest levels. I've heard a recording of his Carnegie Hall appearance and I think he was just a notch below the great Christian opera singer Jerome Hines on this great song:
About a year ago, a Medicaid supported woman (white) took my friend to the grocery in the day time. He went in and she stayed in the car. When he came out she demanded money (maybe $50) to take him home. He refused and she staged a fake assault and called the police. he also called the police. This was at the intersection of Long Branch (largely somewhat poor with a large black population and West Long Branch, a much richer area. She called the WLB police and he called the LB police. They both arrived on the scene.The woman claimed he assaulted her and pulled a gun on her. He was physically unable to assault her. The police searched and found no gun. Still he was charged.
To make a long story shorter, he obtained an attorney and assigned a court date. On that day there was a blizzard on the NJ shore. The courthouse was closed. Still, the judge blamed him for not showing up and threatened him with additional charges. He was assigned another court date. I had found out about this and sent him some money for his defense. he was told he couldn't use video footage of the supposed crime from the store's surveillance camera. Why? I don't know. My brother and I along with his doctor wrote character reference letters to the court. They were all read aloud during the trial. The woman didn't show up. The judge told him that
IF HE COULDN'T PROVE HIMSELF INNOCENT he would go to prison for a long time! He then remarked that "they make fish bait out of people like you in prison!
The judge dismissed all charges. A cheer went up in the court room and the court stenographer exclaimed "hallelujah!" This judge was not known for leniency in cases like these. Therefore, I KNOW for a fact there are two kinds of justice in America, one for white persons especially rich ones and one for poor blacks. Both my brother and I feel very good about helping our poor black friend get justice.