Facts. Measurable facts. I posted actual facts. Measured facts. You post "best estimates predict."
Here is something I found very interesting. Peer reviewed article.
Diminishing solar activity may bring new Ice Age by 2030 – Astronomy Now
This is where my FACTS came from.

The Climate Institute has been in a unique position to inform key decision-makers, heighten international awareness of climate change, and identify practical ways of achieving significant emissions reductions. This has been done through several different media including symposia, conferences, roundtables, and special briefings. These have been carried out not only in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan and Europe but also in as many as 30 developing countries providing expert advice at ministerial and heads of state briefings and at sessions with business executives and private citizens.
The Climate Institute has achieved this by tapping into its vast network of experts and alliances in the US and the international community. In all its efforts, the Institute strives to be a source of objective, reliable information. The Institute has distinguished itself as a world leader in promoting global climate change mitigation with practical and cooperative approaches.
A Board of Directors elected annually governs the activities of the Climate Institute. A diverse group, the Institute’s Board is made up of academic, business, environmental and scientific leaders from nine nations. An equally diverse network makes up the Institute’s Board of Advisors, which plays a critical advisory role in the Institute’s deliberations.
The Climate Institute receives financial support from membership, private and corporate contributions, grants, and contractual services for government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and publication sales.
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the Climate Institute as an eligible nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly gifts, contributions and grants to the Climate Institute may be tax deductible under U.S. federal or state law to individual or corporate donors.
You didn't provide a source (any source) for your uninformed guesses.