There can be no doubt that Trump is intelligent. However that alone does not mean much. The question is what has and what is he doing with his intelligence?
He, IMHO, has not used his intelligence wisely. I do not consider him wise. I do consider him a deeply flawed man. He has been:
- An unethical businessman.
- He has been an immoral man.
- He is a chronic liar.
- He is a womanizer.
- He used undocumented workers and refused to pay them properly.
- He has been unfaithful to his wives.
- He is guilty of adultery
I believe he suffers from:
- Unethical amnesia.
- Narcissistic personality disorder
I do not believe Trump loves anything or anyone except himself. I do not believe he loves America. I believe the only thing he is interested is making money and adulation of himself.
Are you willing to swear before this board that at no time in your life you have not had an impure thought, or lust in your mind/heart for a woman? That you have never sat with other men and not talked degradingly towards women? That you have never lied? That you knew for sure the worker at the carwash, or restaurant, or fast food that waited on you or assisted you was not illegal? That never in your life, you were unfaithful to someone that thought you were their friend? That you wouldn't lie about how you dinged your fender to get insurance to pay for the whole thing, or some other insurance claim? Or misled someone else in order to get the better price, seat, deal, product, prize? Have you ever embellished or enhanced the truth to get a more favorable opnion, hired for a job, or to get a better laugh?
And what did Jesus say, if you so much as lusted in your heart brother, you are as guilty as he who stripped down and knew the woman in a way only permitted in marriage.
Before you cast so much as a stone in his direction, you had better take personal and spiritual inventory brother, because the fly on the wall tells me, you are not without sin.
Besides, I don't believe he EVER said he was without sin, error or flaws. In fact, it was him who acknowledged the bus conversation, and admitted it was wrong. Pretty revealing. I dodn't hear Obama apologize for getting Ferguson wrong. Or giving misi formation of Benghazi.
You need to check your mouth at the door. These crimes and misdermeanors listed against Trump, are not any more or less then some skeletons you are hiding in your attic!
Once again, you seem to be practicing without credentials.