By doing nothing but deferring to rinos and democrats, which is what you want to do because you want open borders. Got it.
go chase yourself! I dont defer to anyone is your kind who put these arses in office in the first place....but you cant admit to that. Its like churches who neglect to do background checks only later to find all sorts of devient behavior from their elected clergy.
Now Im a very conservative I didnt hold my nose & vote for trump. Nor do I vote for liberals who would circumvent the efforts of people who have sacrificed all for the country. Freaking Russians & Chinese etc who try to interfere with my country must be smoked out & punished....(I would use a death penalty for that type) and I believe George Washington should have been prosecuted & punished for his handling of imposing taxes on farmers for manufacturing & distributing of whiskey. How was it fair to press these farmers into service during the revolutionary war and then screw them out of any profits off their only cash crop? Frigging wooden tooth limey. Only they weren't wooden teeth, they were slaves teeth.
But I digress, you want something on trumps wish list. What do they estimate, $70 Billion to build & 150 million a year to maintain. Now the Dept., of Homeland Security said it could cost about $21.6 Billion, not including maintenance. Right!!! even if you put trumpeter's in Congress you would have a fight on your hands....remember, congress works for the people & they can vote them out every 2 years.