He's as qualified as Obama was no wait Obama wasn't qualified. Trump 4 bankruptcies, what is 10 failed business ventures, PRO-Choice in 2011 now Pro-Life flip flopped to run as a conservative. Wants single payer Health Insurance the single payer the Government, where's the money come from raising taxes. Plan is already in place and he already said he will raise taxes. Trump states "nothing wrong with the Transgender using opposite gender restrooms." Supported Harry Reid's re-election bid, supported Rahm Emmauel for Mayor of Chicago, Supported Hilary finacialy in her senate runs and stated that she would make a great President. And yet everybody hears he will build a wall and deport all the illegals really, who's going to pass the laws for him to do that? Whose going to pay for that wall, Mexico that's a laugh. Qualified well as much as Obama was.