Early on, I considered doing that. But as I studied over the years, it became increasingly clear to me that there were just too many Orthodox doctrines that I could not accept. If something contradicts with scripture, I must go with scripture, and I found too many man-made traditions in Orthodoxy. I found the same in paedobaptist Protestants, too. So, the atonement is of central importance to me, yes, but it is not the only important doctrine. If I can find a place where I can hold my view of atonement and that church is close to New Testament doctrine, polity, and practice, that's where I'll go. I think my views are somewhere between Baptist and Pentecostal, and I'm leaning toward Baptist at this point.
Who or what decided that a new testament canon be added to the bible?
Who or what decided which books should or should not make it into this new testament canon?