Robert Snow
New Member
I LOVE flowers, thanks. They are the best smelling electronic flowers I have ever encountered.
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T Totally lost outside of Jesus
H Helpless without election
O Obedient to the Father, even unto death
R Raised to life via the blood
N Needed Christ to die for me
S Saved by Grace through faith
How 'bout them apples, Brother Tom?
I LOVE flowers, thanks. They are the best smelling electronic flowers I have ever encountered.
All of them express Biblical truth. But as an alternative to TULIP or ROSES, close but no cigar.
“U” should stand for Unlimited Redemption; God reconciled all of fallen mankind to Himself by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as propitiation for the sin of mankind.
The "U" should stand for Unlimited Reconciliation; God is reconciling mankind to Himself, one person at a time, by first accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world, but then causing those whose faith He credits as righteousness to be placed spiritually in Christ and receive the reconciliation. Therefore, we who are in Christ, beg the lost as ambassadors of Christ, "be reconciled to Christ."
Since all Calvinists on the BB appear by their lack of topical discussion to accept the rewrite of the T, lets move on to the U.
Here is the original wordings:
The first problem with this is that it should read Unlimited Reconciliation, i.e. available for anyone to receive. The second problem is it says God reconciled all of fallen mankind to Himself, and it should say God is reconciling fallen mankind to Himself, one person at a time.
The exhibits to support this premise are: 1 John 2:2 - Christ would not be the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world if reconciliation was not being offered to the whole world.
Exhibit two is Romans 5:10 which says we were reconciled "to God" by the death of Christ but then draws a distinction between being reconciled in that general way, and being saved. Now this difficulty is explained (exhibit three) in 2 Corinthians 5:18 where again Paul says God reconciled us (an individual rather than general action) and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Clearly then Paul is saying God provided reconciliation to mankind through the death of Christ, but only those who receive the reconciliation, by God crediting our faith as righteousness and placing us in Christ, are saved. So as God is putting individuals in Christ, He is "reconciling the world to Himself" one individual at a time.
So according to the scriptures referenced the "U" should read:
God provision for the sins of mankind is unlimited, in the fact that the shed blood of Jesus had infinite value, God Himself died on the Cross...
Limited in the sense that it fully and actually only covers/propitiation on behalf of those whom have that Grace effectually applied towards them by God, by His Will and for His good pleasure, the Elect!
The "U" should stand for Unlimited Reconciliation; God is reconciling mankind to Himself, one person at a time, by first accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world, but then causing those whose faith He credits as righteousness to be placed spiritually in Christ and receive the reconciliation. Therefore, we who are in Christ, beg the lost as ambassadors of Christ, "be reconciled to Christ."
This is not even a valid presentation of Calvinism's limited atonement. Jesusfan just makes it up from whole cloth, without a shred of biblical support.
I provided several verses that teach God's provision for the sin of mankind is unlimited, Jesus being the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world.
1 John 2:2. Jesusfan says it was limited in scope and then muddies the waters by saying unlimited in value. It it did not provide propitiation for the whole world, all of fallen mankind it was limited in value, being worthless to those not covered. Again, Calvinism is totally unbiblical.
But if we unscramble the muck Calvinism makes of Biblical doctrine, we get the U of the Reformed TULIP.
"L" should stand for Limited Atonement: God has provided reconciliation for all mankind, but not all men have received the reconciliation. When we are individually chosen and set apart based on God crediting our faith as righteousness, we are placed spiritually in Christ by God, being united with Christ and made alive, but this atonement or "at one ment" is limited to those God puts spiritually in Christ.
This is not even a valid presentation of Calvinism's limited atonement. Jesusfan just makes it up from whole cloth...
There was nothing invalid about the presentation. Calvinism says sufficient for all and efficient for the elect. It's of infinite value sufficient to cover the sins of the whole world.
"While the death of Christ is abundantly sufficient to expiate the sins of the whole world, its saving efficacy is limited to the elect."
Stop making sense.There is no sufficiency is something that's never intended for you. Calvinists state that Jesus died for the elect only. The non-elect were left completely out of this atoning process. How is there any sufficiency in this for the non-elect?
That's like me having $200.00 in my pocket(I am talking hypothetically here. I am married, and I haven't had $200.00 in a LONG time :laugh: ). I see a starving child, and eventhough I have the money, unless I offer it to him/her, that money is useless to them. However, if I offer it to them, and they accept it, they can eat. If I offer, and they refuse, they will starve to death. If I offer the money, and they reject it, and die, the blame is in their lap. If I have it, and know they really need it, and don't offer it, and they die? Well, then part of the blame falls to me.
"L" should stand for Limited Atonement: God has provided reconciliation for all mankind, but not all men have received the reconciliation. When we are individually chosen and set apart based on God crediting our faith as righteousness, we are placed spiritually in Christ by God, being united with Christ and made alive, but this atonement or "at one ment" is limited to those God puts spiritually in Christ.
Gonna hafta disagree with you on this if you didn't know. :laugh:
There is no sufficiency is something that's never intended for you. Calvinists state that Jesus died for the elect only. The non-elect were left completely out of this atoning process. How is there any sufficiency in this for the non-elect?
That's like me having $200.00 in my pocket(I am talking hypothetically here. I am married, and I haven't had $200.00 in a LONG time :laugh: ). I see a starving child, and eventhough I have the money, unless I offer it to him/her, that money is useless to them. However, if I offer it to them, and they accept it, they can eat. If I offer, and they refuse, they will starve to death. If I offer the money, and they reject it, and die, the blame is in their lap. If I have it, and know they really need it, and don't offer it, and they die? Well, then part of the blame falls to me.
That's funny right there. An anti Calvinist saying we are misrepresenting our doctrine.Calvinists must misrepresent their doctrine in order to offer any sort of biblical defense.
Why must you resort to person attacks? You whine and cry when you think we do it to you(when we don't) but now you say I'm being deceptive? He explained what he meant by his statement. Christ'd death is sufficient for all man, but its limited in efficiency to the believers(elect).Then Jbh28 posts that Jesusfan had it right. Calvinism must be defended by deception or else it becomes obvious it is unbiblical.
Pretty clear from the Bible that Jesus died as a propiation of the sins of the entire World, in the sense that it had infinite worth, but that ONLY those who come to Him for their sins to be covered and atoned for by the Cross are the saved by it, and those are the ones chosen and elect out beforehand by God!
To most Calvinists, efficiency equals sufficiency. Otherwise, the L in Limited Atonement is meaningless.
Stop making sense.