In all honesty I don't think the cal/armin camps can agree on anything. They can't agree on who God is, They can't agree on what Christ came to accomplish. They can't agree on who is the object of why Christ came into the world or why God sent him. So all of this makes for different post and different posters.
On the surface it seems that we should be able to agree on who God is and why Christ came into this world, and that is true in the abstract. But when we drill down on God's redemptive plan, His nature, and even His interaction with His creation (mankind) we have irreconcilable differences. This is why we have Calvinist churches that preach against Arminianism and Arminian churches that preach against Calvinism. This is why we have posters on this board who ignore or block each other. This is why insults abound. Emotions and tempers flare, not because we agree, but because we don't agree.
There will always be the exception to the rule, but outside of the BB the two camps typically do not keep company with each other. If I want to debate an Arminian I am more likely to do so on the BB then in my church since my church is Reformed. Conversely most mainline Baptist churches will find the same reality concerning Calvinists.
Many moons ago I was bothered by all this division. I finally came to realize that division for the sake of truth is worth it. After all, we are contending for the truth of God's word that leads to eternal life. If we get that wrong then what hope do we have of escaping the wrath to come?
Let me conclude by saying that division should never be our goal. It is sad that genuine Christian brothers cannot dwell together in unity. I would like to say that persecution brings about unity that otherwise would not exist. But history says otherwise. Study the Donatist controversy of the early church and your will see Christians who persecuted each other while the state was persecuting them both. We need to find unity where we can for the sake of the gospel, all without compromising our convictions. Is that even possible? My experience says it is doubtful.