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two types of salvation

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Gold Dragon said:
It sounds like this is a C&A thread. I guess that means hi and bye. :wavey:

Don't lay this off on C's OR A's! I don't know of any who would take this approach or position -- whatever this approach or position IS.



New Member
Ray, is the "time salvation" you refer to like a salvation here on earth, a physical one and not necessarily spiritual one. For instance if a alcoholic gets saved and also gets freed from the alcoholism. would it be right to say you are talking about a spiritual salvation accompanied by a "salvation" from something that is a physical ailment or something to that nature. Kind of like when God delivers you from some sin He has given you a "salvation" from that issue that consisted of more than just a Spiritual salvation.

In short I guess my question is are you saying there are 2 spiritual salivations, or are you referring to another type of salvation?


ray Marshall

New Member
annsni said:
Can you explain what you mean by this?

That we may not be tossed about by every wind of doctrine. We can also be under bondage by the sly of man.
we can also enjoy freedom with the love and peace of a loving GOD who does our saving eternally. We may receive the calming joy when we feel the saving power of a mighty GOD. Satan gives us bondage where GOD gives us freedomand peace.

ray Marshall

New Member
annsni said:
Can you explain what you mean by this?

That we may not be tossed about by every wind of doctrine. We can also be under bondage by the sly of man.
we can also enjoy freedom with the love and peace of a loving GOD who does our saving eternally. We may receive the calming joy when we feel the saving power of a mighty GOD. Satan gives us bondage where GOD gives us freedom and peace within our soul.

ray Marshall

New Member
Gold Dragon said:

in Peter

in John

These two phrases refer to the same thing.

When Peter shouted out, "LORD, save me less I perish. He was in the water and about to drown. He wasdn't asking for eternal life then. He knew that he was about to drown.

ray Marshall

New Member
Reformer said:
Ray, is the "time salvation" you refer to like a salvation here on earth, a physical one and not necessarily spiritual one. For instance if a alcoholic gets saved and also gets freed from the alcoholism. would it be right to say you are talking about a spiritual salvation accompanied by a "salvation" from something that is a physical ailment or something to that nature. Kind of like when God delivers you from some sin He has given you a "salvation" from that issue that consisted of more than just a Spiritual salvation.

In short I guess my question is are you saying there are 2 spiritual salivations, or are you referring to another type of salvation?


Yes, I don't know how to answer the physical salvation, but there are two types of salvation. Of course we know the eternal side of it. Someone said in this thread that David prayed for the lord to restore the joy of thy salvation. If there wasn't some type of time salvation, it would have a error of David to ask GOD to restore to him the joy of thy salvation, If no salvation in time salvation, why did he ask GOD to restore it unto him if there was no such thing?

ray Marshall

New Member
ray Marshall said:
Yes, I don't know how to answer the physical salvation, but there are two types of salvation. Of course we know the eternal side of it. Someone said in this thread that David prayed for the lord to restore the joy of thy salvation. If there wasn't some type of time salvation, it would have a error of David to ask GOD to restore to him the joy of thy salvation, If no salvation in time salvation, why did he ask GOD to restore it unto him if there was no such thing?

And yes, it had to be a spiritual salvation. You know that in this life here on this earth we may stray off unto something ungodly that is about us all the time. We may get to the point that we don't love GOD but that doesn't mean that two salvations are lost altogether. This world will eat you up and destroy our love of GOD here, but that spiritual eternal salvation we cannot lose.

ray Marshall

New Member
Marcia said:
I don't see the 2 salvations here. It is being contrasted with "perish" so that seems to be eternal salvation.

Our time salvation comes in the new birth, which you will find the fruit of the spirit. Joy being one of them. As someone mentioned on this thread that David prayed to GOD to restore the joy of thy salvation. If there was not a timely salvation, David wouldn't have prayed as he did. Our time salvation can have a high or a low. As we journey in this lifetime we face Satan on every hand and we can/may slip in our own walks, but our eternal salvation is secure with GOD. We Just can't lose it

ray Marshall

New Member
annsni said:
Can you explain what you mean by this?

I have explained it as sufficant as I possable can. It not a big thing to ponder so ferverantly over. Just as David's prayer to GOD. Restore to me the joy of thy salvation. Had David no knowned that he had destroyed his joy that he once had, through sin then I don't think he would have asked GOD to restore his eternal salvation. That was fixed and assured. He wanted his joy and fellowship with GOD here in his remaining lifetime.

ray Marshall

New Member
Marcia said:
I don't see the 2 salvations here. It is being contrasted with "perish" so that seems to be eternal salvation.

GOD wishes that none should perish but that all should come to rependance.
My Sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish. neither shall any may pluck them out of my hand. Now what stumbling block did put in front of you?

Peter 3:9, GOD being longsuffering he does say that he wishes none to perish,(time salvation, by disobedence. We can lose our joy and fellowship here in time. Wasn't that what David prayed to GOD, to restore to him what joy he had before he sinned?


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ray Marshall said:
GOD wishes that none should perish but that all should come to rependance.
My Sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish. neither shall any may pluck them out of my hand. Now what stumbling block did put in front of you?

Peter 3:9, GOD being longsuffering he does say that he wishes none to perish,(time salvation, by disobedence. We can lose our joy and fellowship here in time. Wasn't that what David prayed to GOD, to restore to him what joy he had before he sinned?

You need to clarify yourself here. What is "time salvation" (as it is certainly unorthodox) and what is the result of losing it. Also contrast this time salvation with eternal salvation.

ray Marshall

New Member
Reformer said:
Ray, is the "time salvation" you refer to like a salvation here on earth, a physical one and not necessarily spiritual one. For instance if a alcoholic gets saved and also gets freed from the alcoholism. would it be right to say you are talking about a spiritual salvation accompanied by a "salvation" from something that is a physical ailment or something to that nature. Kind of like when God delivers you from some sin He has given you a "salvation" from that issue that consisted of more than just a Spiritual salvation.

In short I guess my question is are you saying there are 2 spiritual salivations, or are you referring to another type of salvation?


Maybe a yes. I time development by one self and through disobedance you can mire your salvation while here on earth, but not your eternal salvation.


Active Member
ray Marshall said:
GOD wishes that none should perish but that all should come to rependance.
My Sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish. neither shall any may pluck them out of my hand. Now what stumbling block did put in front of you?

Peter 3:9, GOD being longsuffering he does say that he wishes none to perish,(time salvation, by disobedence. We can lose our joy and fellowship here in time. Wasn't that what David prayed to GOD, to restore to him what joy he had before he sinned?

I'm sorry, Ray, I still don't get it.

You also said to another poster:
Had David no knowned that he had destroyed his joy that he once had, through sin then I don't think he would have asked GOD to restore his eternal salvation. That was fixed and assured. He wanted his joy and fellowship with GOD here in his remaining lifetime.

Are you saying that when David prayed to restore the joy he had that that was another salvation? David was talking about joy, not salvation. I don't think he was asking to restore eternal salvation. If you still think that, keep in mind that in the OT there was not the constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit.


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Brother Ray:

As one PB to another, I would say thank you for your desire to rightly divide the word of God in the matter of salvation, but most folks here do not understand the concept.
It is one scale in their eyes that God had not yet removed.
I have time and again tried to point to the same direction but to no avail.
Most of the folks here are seminary-trained and therefore echo what they have been taught in their schools by professor who echo what they learned in their time and so on.
Understanding this concept takes time, and direction from the Holy Spirit.
Most folks on this board, even those who say they hold to the Doctrine of Grace, call Christ Redeemer, but I do not think they truly understand that as Redeemer Jesus Christ did in fact finish the redemption of His people at the cross here in time, and that there is none of His who will be born who are still under the curse of God because of the blood He has shed on the cross, and that all will be brought to regeneration by the Holy Spirit in His own time without means.
Therefore, knowing this, since He is the One who set this plan into motion Himself, Jesus Christ sent out His apostles to preach the good news of finished salvation, and to save as many as they (not us) can reach from the ungodly life, religions, and practices they were immersed in, and the apostles did a good job, too, under the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Most folks on this board do not understand that not all will be saved in a gospelly way, since human preachers do not have the ability to be everywhere at all times, and since human preachers do not know who God's elect are and where they are.

ray Marshall

New Member
Revmitchell said:
You need to clarify yourself here. What is "time salvation" (as it is certainly unorthodox) and what is the result of losing it. Also contrast this time salvation with eternal salvation.

TIME SALVATION!!!! Well lets see! Have you ever drank from your saucer,because your cup runneth over???
Then you have enjoyed TIME SALVATION!!!.
The old Baptist drink a lot from their saucer.

I don't know if the word TIME SALVATION is directly in the written word.... Neither is the word "RAPTURE."

ray Marshall

New Member
ray Marshall said:
GOD wishes that none should perish but that all should come to rependance.
My Sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish. neither shall any may pluck them out of my hand. Now what stumbling block did put in front of you?

Peter 3:9, GOD being longsuffering he does say that he wishes none to perish,(time salvation, by disobedence. We can lose our joy and fellowship here in time. Wasn't that what David prayed to GOD, to restore to him what joy he had before he sinned?

Ok Marcia, Lets say the word perish is the key word. Can we perish in time, or perish in eternal??

ray Marshall

New Member
Reformer said:
Ray, is the "time salvation" you refer to like a salvation here on earth, a physical one and not necessarily spiritual one. For instance if a alcoholic gets saved and also gets freed from the alcoholism. would it be right to say you are talking about a spiritual salvation accompanied by a "salvation" from something that is a physical ailment or something to that nature. Kind of like when God delivers you from some sin He has given you a "salvation" from that issue that consisted of more than just a Spiritual salvation.

In short I guess my question is are you saying there are 2 spiritual salivations, or are you referring to another type of salvation?


Dear Reformer,
Maybe for the sake of arguement(Which I do not atone) we use it as 2 spiritual salvations. One is in this time world on this side of death and the other is after death which I think we will both agree is the Eternal side of salvation. which is promised to all the elect, baring none.

ray Marshall

New Member
mark1 said:

The scripture is simply saying to those that "received" Him, these things happened to them. It is saying you cannot inherit salvation, through blood inheritance.

Salvation is of the Lord.

There is but one Lord of us all, therefore "one" salvation, which is in Christ Jesus.

I absolutely agree there is but one Lord of us all and "ONE SALVATION." and Jesus Christ plus nothing. bur if you have had to drink from your saucer b'caus your cup runneth over, there is probably no words that say '2 salvations," but you have enjoyed a spiritual salvation even if you can't vision it in your mine. We old Baptist enjoy what we referr to as a timely salvation.... Where does the word, RAPTURE" come from. I hear a lot about it but rapture is not in my Bible.


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I think your term "salvation" is what everyone is hung up on. Salvation means to save from something (in the Annsni dictionary) - mostly salvation from eternal damnation.

However, when my cup runs over, that is blessing - not salvation. It's not really saving me from anything but giving me extra. So is blessing the same thing as your "other" salvation?


Well-Known Member
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ray Marshall said:
TIME SALVATION!!!! Well lets see! Have you ever drank from your saucer,because your cup runneth over???
Then you have enjoyed TIME SALVATION!!!.
The old Baptist drink a lot from their saucer.

I don't know if the word TIME SALVATION is directly in the written word.... Neither is the word "RAPTURE."

While this explanation is vague at best lets move on. What is the result of losing your "Time Salvation" and contrast it wth eternal salvation.
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