Yes. Of course. In a war, so all of a country's citizens fight with weapons? No. The young males directly engage their targets while the the rest support their effort with food, clothing, money. . .
Islam is a system of control by the state, and the strategy of Muslims is to gain numbers in order to become the majority, manly though having huge amounts of children, which, obviously, women and the elderly are involved in. Once at majority or close enough to it, they simply take control of the host country. The UK has doubled the speed at which they will accomplish their goal by allowing mass immigration.
You nice tea-sipping Brits are ignorant of the master plan. Do you know that the percentage of Muslims think that suicide bombing is justified? Do you know the percentage of Muslims who want to enact Sharia Law? I won't tell you, because I would rather you find your own sources. You won't believe mine.
The is a fundamental difference. When Muslims kill, rape, and mistreat women, they do so in obedience to their religion. When Christians do so, they are in direct violation to their religion.
Most people are ignorant of the Crusades. This 5 minute video is enlightening: