You nailed that one down correctly….in fact, ya hit it with a ball pean hammer! I would ask my fellow Americans, especially those of working class backgrounds, what is this guy really doing to impact your lives? You see, he operated out of the New York and New Jersey Metro area long before he ever had political aspirations. I also made my living in that same metro area working in the building construction trades and worked on quite a few Trump building projects. My father in law who was born and bred Swabian German worked for Fred Trump earlier than my tenure, so he knew the family and their rise to power in Queens, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island. His name BTW is Otto Frederick (Fred) and so Fred Trump had a like for the guy. Together my FIL and I would match notes at the kitchen table about the Trumps, the Unions (mostly Italian mob), current projects etc, so we saw first hand & I participated in “The Donald’s “ activities. In order to succeed in that cut throat industry you must be a ruthless SOB and Fred Trump taught his son well. Payments would be held from contractors for excuses like “you didn’t do the work to my satisfaction” but not to Fat Tony and that family group, normal criminal activity for NYC…allot of bad language words commonly used, allot of bribes, drugs and alcoholism…common occurrence things not normally talked about on Baptist Boards (LOL). The Donald’s legal team in the 1970’s & 1980’s was headed up by Roy Cohen and ohhh boy, let’s just say ole Roy is in hell today teaching Satan best practices.
So there ya have it, America that’s your current President …. Grifter and scum bag don’t even begin to scratch the surface. I’ll tell ya what, go and google the interview of Donald’s in the family’s history with his nephew and take a listen. Pay particular attention to his advice to his nephew about his crippled son. Even I was shocked. Sooo, there ya have it….Joe Biden is the son of a Scranton used car salesman and it shows and Donald J. Trump is the son of a Jamaica Queens NY Red Brick Building Contractor (and it shows it). Social climber done well for himself. Any wonder he is what he is?