Sopranette said:
Grape juice has to go through a process that includes adding sugar and yeast, then sealing it airproof for some time, to make it into alcoholic wine. It's not like you can just leave the juice sitting around and it will become alcoholic. It will just spoil in that case. And its also very easy to make juice and seal it so that it will not spoil or ferment, no matter how long it sits.
According to a guy I just called who owns a winery, you are correct Sopranette in over 90% of the instances. But there are rare instances....
I just called a guy who owns a vineyard. He could only talk a moment, he is not a Christian but says "he has studied it". One or two christians called him to ask how wine is made.
He feels the Bible reads as if referring to
two different types of drink, one fermented (strong drink) and one non fermented (of the vine, the good wine).
He says the natural fermenting process happens rarely, but it does happen. Consider it "by accident".
He says alcoholic wine was around back then, no doubt, but occuring naturally, it was very rare and very scarce.
Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out what he meant when he said
"if yeast is around the grapes outside" then natural fermentation occurs. . Otherwise, we add yeast which is almost 100% of the time" He says it can happen with apples too, if yeast is around them while they are growing outside they become alcoholic.
Again, he is not a Christian but says it's obvious from all of the warnings in the Bible that the Lord doesn't want us to drink fermented alcohol, except for medicinal purposes. Then he cited the instance with paul recommending it to another for his stomach ailements.
He says naturally fermented grapes (wine) now, and back in the biblical times, has about 1/2 the alcohol content of our current wine. He then laughed and said some people tell themselves drinking a glass of wine is ok, and in moderation because they don't feel drunk.
He feels, according to the bible, they would be considered "drunk" by God. Then said, "Lucky I am not a Christian"
He wants to study it further, so I told him we would talk later. I am sure he would meet with me, we had fun talking. So I will call again, and ask him a question, he offered to talk another time when he didn't need to run. Hoping this leads to something bigger

He sounds like a non-drinker, or only drinks wine because of his business. He certainly doesn't talk of alcohol in a favorable light. Even says it's not needed for medicinal uses, as certain types of grape juice provide the same health benefits the doctors are citing. Sounds like Doctors are sending their patients to him, and he is selling them grape juice instead of wine.
He said he is not a Christian, yet says the Lord doesn't want "us" to drink alcoholic wine, and that's obvious from the loads of the sexual sin examples the bible offers. He used the word "us" twice, that's encouraging. He said" he is lucky to not to be a Christian because he owns a winery". He believes he would need to give up his business to become a Christian.