Once again, the Word of God is very clear on the subject of alcoholic beverages & the believer.
Scripture clearly condemnes the use of alcohol as a beverage for the child of God EXCEPT FOR
MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Some churches, however, accept the practice of drinking alcoholic
beverages & some, like our church, condemn it. What do the Scriptures actually say on the subject?
I think a good place to start would be James 4:17..."Therefore to him who knows to do GOOD and
does not do it, to him it is sin." We then look at Romans 14:21... "It is GOOD neither to eat meat
drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak." Also
consider a host of other verses...(Gen. 9:20-27;19:30-38;Lev.10:8-11;Num. 6:3;Dt.21:20;Judges
13:4,7,14;ISam. 25:36-38;IISam.11:13,28-29;IKings 16:8-10;20:13-21;Esther 1:5-
22;Prov.20:1;21:17;23:21;23:29-30;23:21;23:32;23:33;23:35;23:24;31:4-5;Eccl. 2:3;10:17;Is.5:11-
12,22;22:13;28:1,3,7;56:12;Jer. 35:5-8,14,19;Dan.1:5,8,16;10:3;5:3;3:25-28;Hosea 4:10-11;7:5;Joel
3:3;Amos 4:1;6:3-6;Hab.2;Mt.24:48-51;Lk.1:15;12:45;21:34;Rom.13:13;14;ICor.
5:11;6:10;11:21;Gal.5:21;Eph.5:18;ITim.3:3,8;I Peter 4:3). Each of these verses tell us about the evils
of alcohol. If alcohol is so evil & such a sin then
why did Jesus turn the water to wine? The answer is
that he did not turn the water into intoxicating drink, but rather into the "fruit of the vine".
You see, the
"wine" of today is not the same as the "wine" of the Scripture. There are a few words that may help us
identify this truth.... One such word is "sikera" (Lk.1:15) and is usually translated as "strong drink or
wine". The Hebrew equivalent is "shekar" (Prov.20:1;Is.5:1). Another word is "gleukos" refering to
"new wine". The Hebrew equivalent is "tirosh" (Acts 2:13;Prov. 3:10;Hos.9:2;Joel 1:10). Then finally,
there is a word used for the most common "wine" of the Bible - N.T. "oinos", O.T. "yayin". This latter
word refered to the simple fruit of the vine & was deliberately not intoxicating. The Hebrew word has
as its root meaning..."to bubble up or boil". The practice of boiling the juice would make a paste that
could be stored without fermenting. Water would be added to this paste to make a non-alcoholic
beverage. Even in instances where there was water added directly to the juice, it was at least three parts
water for every one part juice making it well below what would be considered alcoholic.
Drinking wine
unmixed with water was considered barbaric in Bible times & no child of God would ever be found
drinking straight alcohol. Another important point is that the highest possible alcoholic content of any
drink drunk by a believer would have been from 2.25% to 2.75% being mixed with water. This is well
below the 3.2% that today would classify a drink as alcoholic. Therefore, the wine of the Bible was
never alcoholic per today's standard unless it was unmixed, which a believer never did unless it was for
medicinal purposes. The common wine of Bible times would have had less alcohol than even a can of
beer today. The verses given above are only a few of the verses found in the Bible that condemn the
use of alcohol, not just for the believer, but for anyone.
There is absolutely no support in the Bible for
the use of alcohol, except for the use as a medicine. It is interesting that when Paul gives the
qualification for a pastor, he is told that a pastor is not to be beside wine. In other words,
the Greek
literally says that a pastor/leader in the Christian community is not even to be beside the stuff, let alone
drinking it. Proverbs tells us not even to look at it while it is red in the glass. Therefore, we ask....Is it a
sin for a Christian to drink alcohol? The answer is yes it is a sin unless it is for health related reasons. Space limits our ability to do a detailed teaching on this subject, but if you would like to e-mail us
about information on receiving teaching tapes on this or any other subject, we would be glad to get you
more detailed information & teachings on specific passages.. Our society, as well as many of our
churches, have become pagan in their practice of drinking intoxicating drink, i.e., modern day
barbarians. There is no greater threat to the home, youth & society than the enemy of alcohol.