You need to at least pray for these people.
You are works based not trusting in the Lord to do what He has promised to do so continue to proselytize, see how far it gets you, especially as a Roman Catholic. You sure are making great strides with the bretheren in the BB (not).
No, love based. Unless our faith works through Love, there is no salvation.
I have healed others but only as an instrument of Christ, He is The Living Love that acts through us.
Jesus sees people’s whole life, not just what is in front of Him.
The horrible and unlovable characters we meet in street ministry weren’t always horrible and unlovable.
Some I have seen as wounded children holding out their arms to be truly loved, it’s strange but has happened many times.
I have seen Jesus suffering face on a drug addict.
When you ask Jesus to see with His eyes and understand with His ears and think with His thoughts, you see, hear, and think very differently.
Our works by themselves are nothing, but Jesus works done through us are Eternal and bear fruit Eternally.
“Without me, you can do nothing.”
When Jesus Love fills us, it’s Jesus filling us.
Denying self is the beginning, this is making room for Christ to live in you.
The best self denial is to hand over your human will each morning and ask only to live in God’s Holy Will.
If you find yourself acting outside His Will, stop and start again.
Jesus fell carrying His Cross, we will fall many times carrying ours to our crucifixion. The death of self is the victory of Christ. The important thing is to get up again, and take up that cross again.
“It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me”
Deny yourself, take up the cross The Father has given you for your good, and follow Jesus.
Meditate on Jesus Passion because our passion imitates His Passion, our cross is the suffering we need to imitate Christ and crucify self.