People on both sides ignore what they do not want to hear.And the vaxers ignore what they don't like as well. England and Israel are almost fully vaxed and having Covid as bad as they had it a year ago.
One of my friends works in a doctor's office in the high infection high vaxed county I mentioned. She said 99% of their Covid positives are vaxed.
Guy I went to school with, healthy as a horse, never had a blood clot in his life, died of blood clot in lung 4 days after vax.
Employer made him take vax.
Family is in process of suing. Hope they get filthy rich.
The vax mandate was going to shut out local hospital down. Over half staff not vaxed. Nurse that gave me monocolonial antibodies told me almost none of them in Covid ward are vaxed. All had Covid and All keep being continually exposed to it. The Dr. over the Ward is a Covid expert. All he does now is treat Covid. He is not vaxed.
For example, the pro-vaxers don't want to hear about serious side effects of vaccines.
The anti-vaxers don't want to hear that vaccines have saved lives, the deaths and serious covid cases are primarily among the unvaccinated, etc.
The pro-vaxers want to pretend covid will just go away if everybody is vaccinated.
The anti-vaxers want to pretend positive cases prove vaccine ineffectiveness, the vaccines are more problematic than the virus, etc.