Who knows. People say unvaccinated folk do not really die of COVID, and if this is true then neither do vaccinated folk.
In all seriousness, as with any virus vaccinated and unvaccinated people can die of the virus in question.
People are not stupid (most of them). They realize presenting vaccinated people dying from COVID is the argument of fools. No vaccine is 100% effective. Also, there are the same "pre-existing conditions" that exist for unvaccinated people (a fact COVID alarmists and anti-vaccine cultists ignore).
But there are enough fools that there will always be enough around to see vaccinated people dying of COVID as evidence against the vacvine. The majority of people, however, are probably not that stupid.
That is one reason the UK argument was so silly. As the vaccine rate increases so will the COVID deaths among the vaccinated. That is not only logical but it is common sense. It is dishonest manipulation, stupidity, or simple ignorance to claim this rise equates to a problem with the vaccine.
what is stupid is to ignore the facts that the vaccine is killing people in and of itself and people with the the vaccine are still getting COVID and dying.
People making choices based on those facts are not stupid. Ignoring them as if they do not exist is.