the Waldensians were Catholic to the core! They believed nothing like Baptists. They had a statement of faith that affirmed a lot of what Catholics believe today including sacramental theology. Study a little more!
That is a new one. The RCC church usually said they were Manichaens, ie they they believed it two Gods, which was false of course. as was a similar accusation against the Paulikians.
If they were Catholic to the core why did the RCC persecute and murder them for centuries?
Who Were the Waldenses?
Please scroll down to the Waldenses confession of faith of you don't want to take the time to read the link. You will see the origins of the Waldenses (while now ultra liberal protestants) looked nothing like early Baptist.
The early Waldenses.(The ones you Baptists try to hitch your wagon to) believed in Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist and imfant baptism. Sound Baptist to you???
I have just read your recent post, and I would challenge whether Petrus de Lyon was a Waldensian. His bible translation was read in Metz in Larraine, quite a long way north of Lyon, next to Luxembourg. The languages of Alsace, Lorraine and Luxembourg (Letzebergois) were all and still are, germanic languages, Where as the Waldensian language was a type of old French in which the Noble Lesson was written as was their Treatise on believed to be written about AD 1200. The internal evidence of the Noble Lesson dates it about AD 1160. The first verse of which is as follows.
(Noble Lesson)
The "Noble Lesson" written in the Language of the ancient inhabitants of the Valleys (The Waldenses); in the Year 1100. Extracted out of a most authentic manuscript, the true original whereof is to be seen in the public library of the famous University of Cambridge. "The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont." by Samuel Morland. 1658. CHRAA. 1982. p.99
"O Brethren, give ear to a noble lesson.
We ought always to watch and pray,
For we see the world nigh to a conclusion.
We ought to strive to do good works,
Seeing that the end of this world approacheth.
There are already a thousand and one hundred years fully accomplished,
Since it was written thus, for we are in the last time.
We ought to covet little, for we are at what remains, viz. at the later end.
One thousand and one hundred years since it was written by the apostle John about AD 60.
Here it is in the original language
O frayre, entendé ma nobla leyczon:
Sovent devén velhar e istar en oracion,
Car nos veén aquest mont esser pres del chavon;
Mot curiós deoriàn ésser de bonas obras far,
Car nos veén aquest mont de la fin apropiar.
Ben ha mil & cent ancz complí entierament,
Que fo scripta l'ora, car sen al derier temp.
Poc deoriàn cubitar, car sen al remanent.
Tot jorn veén las ensegnas venir a compliment,
En acreysament de mal e en amermament de ben.
Ayczó son li perilh que l'escriptura di:
L'avangeli ho recoynta, e sant Paul atresí,
Que neún home que viva, non po saber la fin.
Enperczó devén mays temer, car nos non sen certan,
Si la mort nos penré enchoy o deman.
If you can find the full version they mention Sylvester, the only Bishop of Rome, they do mention if I remember correctly, and as I said they claim their separation from Rome to the time of Sylvester about 800 years before.