No, that is a diseased nature being described. You can't put your words into his mouth. Read it for what it actually says. Sin and disease are not the same thing. Sin is a willful and knowing transgression of the law, where disease is an illness or weakness that could contribute to sin. For example, in the garden Jesus asked his disciples to stay awake and pray with him. They did not stay awake, but fell asleep several times. That could be considered disobedience or sin, they did not obey him. But it was not because they did not try to obey and stay awake, but their flesh was very weak and caused them to fall asleep.
You are confused. Cyprian distinctly used the word "nature," not flesh. There is no confusing the term. One can have an innocent nature or a sinful nature.
People who stay awake through the day and then work through the night will feel sleepy by morning. That is not sinful flesh. It is tired flesh. It has nothing to do with one's sinful nature, except to say that the person is tired. So what? The Jesus said "Take your rest." It was not sin if he is giving them permission to sleep while they come to take him away to be crucified. There would be nothing they could do to stop it. The "flesh" is made up primarily of water, plus a number of other elements: [ Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, fluorine, zinc, silicon, rubidium, strontium, bromine, lead, copper, aluminum, cadmium, cerium, barium, iodine, tin, titanium, boron, nickel, selenium, chromium, manganese, arsenic, lithium, cesium, mercury, germanium, molybdenum, cobalt, antimony, silver, niobium, zirconium, lanthanum, gallium, tellurium, yttrium, bismuth, thallium, indium, gold, scandium, tantalum, vanadium, thorium, uranium, samarium, beryllium, tungsten.]
Which one of these elements are diseased? Which one of these elements that make up our flesh give us a sin nature (that you know every adult has)? Which one Winman? They are elements. That is what the flesh of the human body is made up of.
However, our nature is something different. Cyprian did not use the word "flesh." He used "nature," something diseased and sinful.
Note what Cyprian of Carthage said: (250 B.C.)
If, in the case of the worst sinners and of those who formerly sinned much against God, when afterwards they believe, the REMISSION OF THEIR SINS is granted and no one is held back from Baptism and grace, how much more, then, should an INFANT not be held back, who, having but recently been BORN, has done no sin [committed no personal sin], EXCEPT THAT, BORN OF THE FLESH ACCORDING TO ADAM, HE HAS CONTRACTED THE CONTAGION OF THAT OLD DEATH FROM HIS FIRST BEING BORN. For this very reason does he approach more easily to receive the REMISSION OF SINS: because the SINS FORGIVEN HIM are NOT his OWN but THOSE OF ANOTHER [i.e. inherited from Adam]. (Letters 64:5 of Cyprian and his 66 colleagues in Council to Fidus)
He is very clear about the sin nature as are most of the early church fathers. I assume you didn't read the link that Hank provided.
Do you see the difference between willful sin here and being weak? I believe the disciples truly desired to stay awake and pray with Jesus, Jesus himself said their spirit was willing, but their flesh was weak. It was late at night, it had been a long and active day, and these men were exceedingly tired. This is the corruption of our flesh, it is weak.
Now that said, many times men choose to willfully sin, and there is no excuse for that, but I am simply showing an example from scripture of how the corruption that fell over creation affects men.
So? That doesn't address the subject of "the nature of man." It simply shows than men are prone to weakness, responsible for their actions, etc. That is obvious to us all. It is a red herring. It has nothing to do with the nature of man, a nature which is inherently sinful.
It is not necessarily sinful, like the example I just gave. The disciples did not willingly choose to disobey Jesus, Jesus himself said they were willing to obey him, but their flesh was very weak and caused them to fall asleep against their will.
So? What of it? Again, a red herring.
I can totally relate to this, we have long meetings at work on occasion, and I find it almost impossible to stay awake. I am just one of those persons that needs fresh air and to move around. If I sit in a long boring meeting for half and hour or more, my eyes get extremely heavy, just like the disciples in the garden. I don't like this, I try hard not to get sleepy like this, but it just happens. That is the corruption that passed on creation.
Yes, we don't have perfect bodies. What is your point here?
The Bible says we wait for the redemption of our bodies. If you sinned when you fell asleep then that is a different matter. If not what is the point you are making?
I give examples from scripture to support all my views. I showed saints complaining in heaven in Revelation 6 for example.
In Revelation 6 you teach heresy.
Complaining is a sin as one can see from Numbers 11 and numerous other passages. Do a search on the word "complain," and its derivatives (like complaining, complained, etc.). It is a sin.
To suggest that there is sin in heaven is heresy. It is to suggest that God is not holy.
I showed John at least once, possibly twice praying to either a fellow believer or angel.
John was taken up to heaven in a vision, as a man. He was overcome with emotion. Both times he was sharply rebuked.
So I proved from scripture that things aren't always exactly "perfect" in heaven as many people believe they will be. You know, Revelation 12 tells us there will be war in heaven, Satan and his angels fighting against God and his angels, so things are not always "perfect" in heaven.
No. There was a rebellion in heaven. Satan and one third of the angels rebelled against God. The story is also in Isaiah 14 and in Ezekiel 28. Satan was cast down, out of heaven, as were those angels who are now demons. Heaven is a perfect place, as God is perfect. To suggest otherwise is to suggest that God is not perfect.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
--These are without, not within, as you suppose.
Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither
whatsoever worketh abomination, or
maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
--This is what heaven is like.
Nothing that can defile or be unholy can stand before a holy God.
No, I always present scripture to support my views. And what do folks say about me? That I interpret the scriptures LITERALLY as though this is wrong.
Scripture interprets itself. But your interpretation leads to heresy.
Yep, that's the complaint, I interpret scripture literally, when Jesus speaks of 99 just persons who never went astray and need no repentance, I actually believe Jesus is speaking of real persons. That's the big complaint against me.
This is another heretical teaching.
Use common sense for once. Just listen to reason.
If the 99 were actually just, then they would have truly repented, is that not so? Yes or no Wiman? Give me an answer. Is a truly just person a repentant person?
If so, then the angels in heaven would be rejoicing over 100 persons that had repented and were made just. Is that not so?
But that is not the case. Only one person repented, and was therefore made just in the eyes of God. Just one person, and therefore the angels in heaven rejoiced for that one person who truly repented.
The others never repented. They were "just" in their own eyes. They were righteous in their own eyes. Answer Winman: Does your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees? If it doesn't you can in no wise enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees. They were "just" in their own eyes.
But you guys can come up with all sorts of wild convoluted interpretations for scripture and that is alright.
--Just the ones that agree with Scripture and don't lead to heresy.