The gospel has not much to do with one's position on family planning and related subjects. That was a bit of a rabbit trail.??? My understanding was that you taught and believed that the Pope taught a false Gospel, that he claims wrongly to be the Vicar of Christ, and that he is likely responsible for leading many people to sin and damnable evil. Yet here you say that "...the Pope's position is to protect the family..."
1. The new birth as proclaimed by every Baptist on this board is completely different than that of the RCC which is the heretical "baptismal regeneration." That is a false gospel and leads people astray from the truth.
2. The gospel message, that Christ died, was buried, and rose again for our sins is a wonderful truth which must be personally applied to each individual. It is not just head knowledge. Therefore, he died for me. He paid the price of the penalty of my sin. That is why he had to die. I must accept that payment (his blood) as a free gift, as payment for my sins, if I want eternal life and forgiveness of sins. It is the only way. That gift is the grace of God. Christ dying on the cross was all of grace. It is to be received by faith and faith alone. There was nothing and is nothing I can do to add to the payment that Christ made for me. He paid it all.
In John 19:30 he said: "It is finished." The work on the cross was finished by Christ! There is nothing that I can do. Just accept it by faith. It is not of works.
That the RCC says that salvation is through baptism and keeping the sacraments is a false gospel, and a false message. It runs contrary to the Bible and simply leads people astray from the truth.
I appeal to scripture. If I am wrong in the scripture, please show me and I will change.Again, who are you to say that I may not draw a rather clear principle from Scripture and apply it to life, conversation, and rational consideration as I see fit, as long as I am remaining consistent with God's principles in my efforts to apply them to life? And again, all of your arguments don't come from Scripture. Those which are right come first from God. You appeal to Scripture to substantiate your views when you're right. And because you cling to Sola Scriptura, you also appeal to Scripture to substantiate your views when you're wrong.
OTOH, if I show you that you are wrong in using the scripture in the way you are doing, will you also stop? It is not a clear principle. Paul is defending his apostleship against false teachers. This has nothing to do with the judgment of eternal salvation.
Because he wasn't talking about Hell. Where do you get "hell" out of that passage? It just isn't there.I am sorry that it bothers you. I don't mean to offend you. But I sincerely don't see what's so controversial about my application of that concept which St. Paul was presenting to the question of the individual believer's presumed ability to determine who is and who is not going to Hell, which, I maintain, at the end of the day, is a task for our all-knowing God alone.
Here is a couple of other translations to make my point:
(WNT) Therefore form no premature judgements, but wait until the Lord returns. He will both bring to light the secrets of darkness and will openly disclose the motives that have been in people's hearts; and then the praise which each man deserves will come to him from God.
(ISV) Therefore, stop judging prematurely, before the Lord comes, for he will bring to light what is now hidden in darkness and reveal the motives of our hearts. Then each person will receive his praise from God.
Again, if you read the context carefully it is about the qualification of Paul as an apostle. Some in the church did not think he was qualified. Paul was not questioning their salvation, nor they his.
The judgment he is referring to is the Judgment Seat of Christ--for believers only. No one will lose their salvation there. They cannot. Christ has already given them "eternal life." Eternal cannot suddenly become temporal.
Note how Paul includes himself in the ISV "our hearts." He is standing at this judgment as well. There is more than one judgement in the Bible. This is not the Great White Throne Judgment described in Rev.20:11-15. Paul and other believers will not be there. That judgment is for the unbelievers.
The judgment Paul is referring to is described in 1Cor.3:11:15. It is different.
But that is not "the gospel," and as shown, the Catholic Church doesn't have the gospel.Meanwhile, I do indeed preach a clear Gospel which states that Christ is the only way to Heaven, period. My view, even as a Catholic, is very much like the view of Hell and damnation which was presented by CS Lewis in his book called The Problem of Pain.
The question is: Have you been born again?
If so, how? If you say: "according to the definition given by the RCC, then you haven't been born again, and you need to be.
If you say, according to what the Baptists teach then you know you shouldn't be part of the RCC.
It is his message to us. However, it must all harmonize and not contradict itself in any other passage. One scripture cannot contradict another.No. You demonstrated why you don't believe yourself to have adopted a misunderstanding of Scripture. But I don't believe that I've done that, either. And Scripture refuses to strong arm either of us on behalf of the other for it is the written Word of God. That is, it is His message to us. It, then, relays that which He wishes to relay.
You have not shown that. There is no connection, no succession in the Catholic Church. You can't put Peter in the city of Rome. You can't put a successor beyond Matthias. There is just no evidence. If you are going to make assertions please back them up. Don't simply take the RCC''s word for it.But when it comes to matters of binding and loosing, and applying the teaching of Scripture to life, that is a role taken up first by the Apostles and thereafter by the Successors to the Apostles according to Christ's designs.