You are wrong.Isn't the fact that the "textbook" never claims to be a "textbook" proof that your ascribing to it "textbook status" is an act which stands in violation of the principles and teachings found within it? Again, your Biblicism is itself unBiblical.
Definition of biblicism
: adherence to the letter of the Bible
Bib·li·cist (bĭb′lĭ-sĭst)
n. 1. An expert on the Bible.
2. One who interprets the Bible literally.
biblicism (ˈbɪblɪˌsɪzəm)
n (Bible) an adherence to the literal sense of the Bible
Biblicism is never unbiblical. It is never unbiblical to study the Bible, to believe its doctrines, to believe it as it should be believed. It is wrong, however, to disdain it, to reject it, to add to it, etc.
As a divine “textbook” the children of Israel taught their children from it:
Deuteronomy 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
--The parents were to take “texts” of scripture and memorize them. They were to take “texts” of scripture and teach them to their children day and night. It was a “divine textbook.”
And if the word “textbook” seems noxious to you, then so be it. I used it for want of a better word. You simply attacked it because I compared it to another subject and you could not defeat the illustration. Is the problem a problem of knowing secular subjects like biology better than your Bible? Is that the real problem?
Apparently you don’t understand “us” or the question. You are a guest at Baptist Board. You have the privilege, not the right, to post in non-Baptist forums, as long as you keep the rules (which you have). The “us” are the Baptists here on the board, especially the administration who are pretty much unified in doctrine. That is the “us,” “we Baptists of BB.”Again, you continue to presuppose the very thing in question between us. And how do you define who "us" is? You define "us" as "those who agree with your unproven point."
You are confused. “We”, the Baptists of this board are agreed in principle and doctrine because we are Baptists and believe in the same Baptist distinctives that make us Baptists. They are at polar opposite ends of the RCC doctrines, which in many cases oppose Biblical doctrines. Our authority for determining which is right and which is wrong is the Bible. Throughout the history of the nation the Bible has always been that determining factor.Your position leads to things like this:
Person 1: So who's right?
Person2: We are.
Person 1: Who's we?
Person 2: Those who agree with us.
Person 1: How do you know you're right?
Person 2: We agree with each other.
Person 1: How do you know you're agreeing upon the right thing?
Person 2: Because we're right.
Person 1: How do you know you're right?
Person 2: Because we agree with each other.
Yes it does. My challenge to you (and to every Catholic) must be based on the Word of God, not on the Catechism nor on any other authority of any other religion (if I be speaking to another person of another religion and be found saying a similar statement). The only authority that I have is the Bible. It is the only one that counts.None of this has anything to do with my response to your challenge.
Many are; some are not. The same is true in Mormonism. Their emphasis on the unity of the family is not unbiblical, but they deny the deity of Christ. The former is not unbiblical, the latter is. Are we to accept them as Christians simply because some things are right even though they teach heresy? That is you want us to do.You continually criticize the Catholic faith for being unBiblical. Many of the things you say, however, aren't just allegedly "unBiblical,"
This has nothing to do with the RCC which was non-existent. Some historians put the beginning of the RCC at the 11th century. One must be realistic. One cannot read into the Bible the RCC when it did not exist as an entity.they contradict things found in the Bible. Look at Acts 15. Here we have a case of the Apostles together presenting a binding teaching.
1. There is much error in the RCC Catechism, even basic error on salvation. It is a document leading people to hell not to heaven. It should be discarded not followed.The Church is right there telling believers what to believe. The Church is, after all, the pillar and ground of truth. Further, the Apostles were granted authority to bind and loose. The Church, then, was granted the authority to teach. You've transplanted that authority by claiming it for yourself while convincing yourself that you simply follow the Bible. Accessing the Bible through your own mind, however, you've introduced a fallible agent into the equation and are thus capable of producing nothing but human opinion when it comes to matters of faith. Where you get it right, it just so happens that you're aligned with the doctrine of Christ's Church. Where you get it wrong, though, you've got nothing to set you straight. For there are many things in the Bible which are hard to understand and which can be misinterpreted (even by those who may mean well) according to ignorance.
2. I rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me and even though I have been preaching and teaching for 40 years or more still put a tremendous amount of study into every sermon I preach or every class I teach. Thus my challenge still stands to the unsaved: show me where I am wrong. If I am I will change and become a Catholic. If you are wrong; you change and do as the Bible commands—you must be born again (as the Bible commands).
3. I have amply demonstrated that you are the one posting propaganda here. You post statements without evidence. They are assumptions that:
The Church in Acts 15 is the RCC—total nonsense.
The RCC is based on the prophets and apostles with Christ as the chief cornerstone. Again, nonsense with no truth, evidence, etc. It is just propaganda as so many other things you say.
You cannot defend the Catholic doctrines you have such as Purgatory and indulgences through the Bible for such man-made doctrines do not exist in the Bible. They are and always have been abhorrent. As they were abhorrent to Luther so are they now to many others.
4. The RCC is made up of fallible men; the one who guides me is infallible, i.e., the Holy Spirit.
1 John 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
Not true.Notice what you've done here. You often respond with a slew of randomness in response to a very direct point. In this case, I am simply pointing out the fact that your test represents nothing but an exercise in pointlessness. For it is not found in the Bible and not revealed by God as a legitimate means by which to evaluate anyone else's doctrines much less your own. And the fact that you "teach" this stuff (which really means that you tell your students what you think the Bible means) has nothing to do with the fact that the whole scheme you've adopted which masquerades as Biblical is itself unBiblical.
What I said is in response to two things.
First it is in response to your statement of relying on others, that is the RCC and the magisterium and Catechism. Thus your unwillingness to accept the doctrine of sola scriptura and the responsibility that goes with it—self bible study and the responsibility of true biblical application as one studies the Bible and interprets the Bible for themselves. Those who are truly born again do not remain infants. They grow. They feed themselves. They don’t continue to take milk from a bottle (a Catechism). They learn to eat on their own (without a Catechism)—their own study with their own interpretation. Thus we all shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give account of ourselves before God, and we shall stand alone. This is biblical.
Second, out of very much concern, I give you one of the most important Bible truths in the scriptures: John 3:3. This is a butchered verse in the RCC Catechism. If followed in the Catechism not a single person will go to heaven. That is just how it is; those are the facts. The RCC does not teach biblical salvation in this area. This is not just “stuff.” It is truth. You need to find out what it means to be “born again.” Without the new birth one cannot enter the kingdom of God or heaven. As the RCC so errantly teaches, It is not baptism.
Take care.