Yes, "numbers" can be treated in ways to promote a particular agenda.
Unemployment rate is going down! (unemployed no longer drawing benefits aren't included)
Inflation is stable! (Food and fuel aren't included in the calculations)
Headline News: Murder rate doubled in xyz small town. (2 killed vs 1 the prior year)
On another note: Before I say that, my heart goes out to those who suffered injuries and loss of life for this senseless act. What I'm about to say, shouldn't in anyway lessen the tragedy they are going through. Comments aren't directed at this particular theater, as some of these thoughts come from local news coverage of local showings of the same film.
-- Why would parents take children to see this type of film? In the "Father Knows Best" age I grew up in, that film wouldn't have been booked in the local movie house. Not because it would have been banned, but because there wouldn't have been enough tickets sold to justify the showing.
Being an oldtimer, I've watched the decline of the standards for all types of media over the years. Yes, there's always been a XXX rated media available from under the counter and the back room. What used to be out of sight, for the most part, has become mainstream entertainment. A sad commentary of our times.
-- Don't the people with the money to attend such movies at midnight on a Thursday night have to go to work the next day? If they don't have to work, do they have enough money for this without asking for some form of public assistance?
-- If people are in debt and are struggling to pay off that debt, why are they spending money on movies? What does it cost to go to a film such as this one? (I haven't been to a movie theater in years.) Plus soda and popcorn?? Transportation costs?? Dinner out before/after the showing??? Bet those aren't beans and rice either.
Speaking of beans and rice, wasn't it unthinkable, just a short time ago, to go to a potluck covered dish meal at church and not bring one yourself? That is if you intend to go through the service line and pile food high on your plate. ?? June Cleaver would have been mortified.