How many times do I have to say this? The economy under Obama was recovering from the GW Bush near-depression. This shows the recovery in term s of real GDP growth under Obama.
First of all, that chart shows an economy that never got above 2% annual GDP. So while Bush Jr. gets an F, Obama gets an F+. That is nothing to be proud of. We have talked about that chart before. Obama had better bad numbers than Bush. So what? Having better bad numbers isn't anything to be proud of.
But you really missed or are trying to avoid the question. The economy is unquestionably better due to the fact that Trump is reversing Obama's policies and actually erasing and dismantling what Obama did.
Obama said that the economy could not be recovered above his numbers. He said that nothing Trump could do would work. Obama said that 4% GDP was impossible. He said that the manufacturing jobs were not coming back and that Trump would need a magic wand to bring them back.
Yet Trump has done everything that Obama was impossible. Obama can't take credit for an economy that he said could not and would not happen.
So if Obama sees that the economy is so good that he wants credit for it, why are you saying that the economy is no good?