As shown from Daniel 7, we can see the same in Daniel 8:
Daniel 8:13,14,26, 11:31,40, etc reveal this same pattern.
Daniel 8:1-14, --- Daniel and symbols of Vision
Daniel 8:15-27, --- Gabriel and explanation of Vision [in part, it was not completed, see vs 27, continue in Daniel 9:21-27 KJB]
Daniel 8:1-2, --- Introduction of Vision
Daniel 8:3, --- 1st [clean] Beast - Ram with two horns, one higher than other - Medo-Persia ---
538 BC to 331 BC
Daniel 8:4, -- conquests of 1st Beast - Ram, being 3 directions [just as 3 ribs in Bears mouth], conquering [1] Lydia [King Croesus], [2] Babylon [Belshazzar, etc] and finally [later through Cambyses II, aka, Ahasuerus of Ezra 4:6 KJB, son of Cyrus II the Great] [3] Egypt
Daniel 8:5, --- 2nd [clean] Beast - He-Goat with Notable Horn - Greece under Alexander III the Great ---
331 BC unto Alexander's death in 323 BC [in Babylon]
Daniel 8:6-8a, -- conquests of 2nd Beast - He-Goat, conquered from the western direction, conquering Medo-Persia, Egypt, Babylon, etc.
Daniel 8:8b, -- Alexander III the great dies, and the Diadochi wars take pleace, eventually whittled to 4 main - [1] Selecus [Nothern, Coele-Syria]/Antiohcus dynasty, [2] Ptolemy [Egypt] dynasty, [3] Cassander, [4] Lysimachus [and in Daniel 11, the parallel of Daniel 8, it eventually whittles to 2, the Northern and Southern powers], this is from 323 BC unto 168 BC, when Rome becomes the next power on the scene, as in Daniel 7,
168 BC.
Daniel 8:9, --- a new power, Pagan Rome, is on the scene from one of the four winds/directions, came from the West, and conquers in three directions, south [Egypt], east [Creece, Cole-Syria, etc] and the pleasant land [Judea, etc]
168 BC onward
Daniel 8:10, --- Pagan Rome persecutions up till the times of Constantine,
AD 313, after the 10 day/years of Revelation 2:10 KJB,
AD 303 to AD 313 [Diocletian, Galerius, etc].
Daniel 8:11, --- Papal Rome comes to focus,
AD 508, 538, and it usurps by laws the prergatives of Jesus Christ, and now enforced by civil statutes of Justinian, Church/State combine with teeth
Daniel 8:12, --- Papal Rome enters into the 1,260 year period, [AD 538 unto AD 1798, the 1,290 from AD 508 unto AD 1798, the 1,335 from AD 508 unto AD 1843/44]
Daniel 8:13,14,26, --- The Sanctuary of Heaven to be cleansed, the anti-typical Day of Atonement has arrived,
AD 1844, until today [thus the beasts of Ram, He-Goat, 8 horns of sanctuary, High priest [Jesus, the Prince of the Host], cleansed, covering cherub - Gabriel, etc ... see Leviticus 16 and 23]
The question,
"How long the vision ...?" [concerning 'the daily'], etc.
The vision of Daniel 8 begins with Medo-Persia, so sometime in the reign of Medo-Persia we begin counting 2,300, until the sanctaury is cleasned, and it must cover from that start in Medo-Persia, through Greece, through Pagan Rome, through its persecutions, into Papal Rome, through its persecutions, and sometime after the Papal Rome loses its state powers, we find this Judgment and Cleansing of the Sanctuary go forward, which takes place before Jesus comes. We find the start of the 2,300 in Daniel 9:24-27; Ezra 6:14, 7:7-28, etc, and we find its ending [along with the 1,335] after the 70 weeks, after the 1,260, 1,290 [which are simply subsections of the 2,300] in Revelation 9:13-15 KJB. We see the explanation of the vision here:
Daniel 8:20, --- Medo-Persia --- 538 BC to 331 BC
Daniel 8:21, --- Greece under Alexander III the Great --- 331 BC unto Alexander's death, 323 BC
Daniel 8:22, --- Greece divided, 323 BC unto 168 BC; four main [Seleucus, Ptolemy, Cassander, Lysimachus dynasties]
Daniel 8:23a, --- Pagan Rome, --- AD 168 onwards, the king of fierce countenance [state power], see also Deuteornomy 28:48-57, and destruction of Jerusalem
Daniel 8:23b, --- Papal Rome, the king ... understanding dark sentences [parables, religion power], AD 508
Daniel 8:24a, --- Papal Rome was given power by Pagan Rome, the seat of the Emperor in the west, Rome, see Revelation 12 and 13:1-2 KJB.
Daniel 8:24b-25, --- Papal Rome persecutions through "peace" [false Gospel], the 1,260, etc AD 538 unto AD 1798
Daniel 8:26, --- the many days, are the 2,300 of Daniel 8:13,14 KJB, which begin in Medo-Persia [457 BC; Ezra 7, Daniel 9:25; Ezra 6:14], extending all the way down past Papal Rome persecutions, past AD 1798
Daniel 8:27, --- the vision not full explained, but in Daniel 9-12, the details of Daniel 8 are given again, in full unto their ending.
Daniel 8, follows the sanctuary pattern, leading from the daily service, unto the singular yearly service, the Day of Atonement. Jesus is following the pattern, Psalms 77:13 KJB, and fulfilling the feasts in the proper order and timing, all of this comes long after, Passover, Unelavened, Wavesheaf, Penetecost, and even after Trumpets.
2,300 greatest and longest time prophecy in scripture.
457 BC [begins the 2,300, the first portion being the 70 weeks; Daniel 9:25; Ezra 6:14, 7:7-28]
457 BC unto AD 27 [baptism of Jesus in water and Spirit, is 69 weeks]
AD 27 unto AD 31 [ministry of Jesus, confirming the covenant Himself for 3 1/2 years, midst of final week [70th week] Jesus dies]
AD 31 unto AD 34 [the disciples, Hebrews 2:3 KJB [Jesus confirms through the disciples], filled with the holy spirit, do the same things as Jesus, for 3 1/2 years, ending with the stoning of Stephen and rejection by the Sanhedrin, type and anty-type, pattern matches exactly, Jesus is seen standing, probation, 70 x 7 [490 years] is up [see Matthew 18:22 KJB]]
AD 34 unto AD 1844, fulfills the remaining 1810 years, from the 490, which equal 2,300.
Thus in Revelation 9:13-15, we see the Heavenly golden Altar, the 4 horns, as used in the Day of Atonement, combined with a spcfiic "hour", "day", "month" and "year":
Hour - Hour of His Judgment is come, Revelation 14:6-7; Daniel 7:22, etc.
Day - Day of Atonement, the 10th Day [22nd Gregorian Calendar], Leviticus 16:1-34, 23:26-32 KJB
Month - 7th Month [Ethanim; 1 Kings 8:2 KJB] [October, Gregorian Claendar]; Leviticus 16:1-34, 23:26-32 KJB
Year - AD 1844, end of the 2,300 and 1335 of Daniel 8:13,14,26, 12:12 KJB.
Even as Jesus fulfilled the Passover at a specific time:
Hour - Morning Sacrifice, Jesus Crucified, approx 9 AM, Evening Sacrifce Jesus dies, approx 3 PM
Day - 14th Day of the 1st Month [Bible Calendar], the preparation Day [the 6th day of the week, aka 'Friday']
Month - 1st Month, Abib; Leviticus 23:4-8 KJB
Year - AD 31, the middle of the 70th week of Daniel 9:24-27, exactly 3 1/2 years after AD 27 [baptism]
Jesus knew the "time" ...