There was no law and mutations were minimal in the DNA so none of what you say is true. It was not magic. One married close relatives until forbidden by the law.
Do you think that's a perfect way (remember that God is Perfect Deu 32:4) to start the people who are destined to have dominion over every other creature? No one knows what Adam's DNA was like so that is just a made up answer which cannot be supported by Scripture nor Science. God's perfect Law has always existed inside God's mind.
Americans still marry first cousins legally as do Muslims and who knows what depravity exists amongst Mormons?
Europeans intermarried so much it caused the whole group of Kings and Queens to go nuts. God's Law is perfect and shows that there is no such thing as magical evolution. Some godless men made up that lie more than 150 years ago in a vain attempt to remove God from His Own Creation. God set a Snare or a Trap to catch them for offending little ones who believed in Jesus, by teaching them that Jesus is a Myth and godless evolution is true. They will receive increased punishment for their foul deeds according to Jesus:
Mark 9:44 and Mark 9:46 and Mark 9:48 Amen?