Unfortunately, I'm on my tablet and so can't expound and fully explain what a stupid post this was. But I can point out that this entire post was un-American and, more importantly, un-Christian. As someone who has spent time among Muslims, both killing them and eating with them, I can honestly (and soberly) say that I would trust a Muslim more than any Christian who expressed the opinions you have.
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That tells me you do not understand what a Christian is or how to become one. Please let me explain;
How to get right with God. Please read and listen.
Salvation takes repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. The word repent, from the Greek word metanoia, means a change of mind or direction. It is not 50%, 75% or 99%. It is 100%. God is not interested in us almost repenting. It is like the command “about-face which is a 180 degree turn. When any person comes to the point in their life that they are broken over their sin to the point of being rea...dy to get right with God no matter what it will cost them they are in a state/spirit of repentance toward God.
We then take that heart that we have toward God and place it on the Lord Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved, and that becomes faith. At that point God's grace through Christ is applied to us and we are saved, born again, and will never turn back into the practice of sinning. It is a repentance/faith that is lived daily and never turned from as we are kept in that state by the Spirit. Acts 20:21, 1John 2:19 and 1John 3:9,10.
Repentance of sin is the result of our salvation (new birth), and will be part of the sanctification process in our new life with Christ Eph. 2:10. While we may sin from time to time after being saved no one continues in the practice of sinning or returns to it after salvation 1John 3:9,10