Scripture tells us that "He was born of the seed of the woman". He is the only person to whom scripture attests to this fact ie we are of the seed of Adam or more directly our biological fathers.
One of the historic positions has been that he was "fashioned/created" out of Mary's flesh which makes sense since Mary 'knew not a man".
Traducionists allude to this and assert it as one of their main arguments for their position ie sin literally passes from the man to the child in conception (we are born in sin See Romans 5 for inherited sin).
Hope this helps
One of the historic positions has been that he was "fashioned/created" out of Mary's flesh which makes sense since Mary 'knew not a man".
Traducionists allude to this and assert it as one of their main arguments for their position ie sin literally passes from the man to the child in conception (we are born in sin See Romans 5 for inherited sin).
Hope this helps