I quite understand. And for what sounds like the same reasons.
Whenever I find a strict young Earth creationist citing agreement from one of those accursed evolutionists, I look into it. For the invention, deception or fraud. Took me about two paragraphs to find it.
think the main problem when you want to have cited the source, is that Christian agreeing with evolution, old aging/dates have minds already made up, and will not let the 'scientic facts" be seen in any other light!
Wasn't there a recent study that incated humanitycame out from Africa, and spread outward, and earliest huamns about 100,000 years old, an "adam and eve?"
I am a younger earth/creationist, but NOT that it had to be only 6,000 years ago, but my upper limits maybe few houndred thousands, no way could be millions, much less billions of years!