Those who say; ‘Look, the Christ is in the inner rooms!’
- tabernacles (Matthew 24:26) cannot be brethren.
We regard no one according to the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:16),
but adherents of the Mother of Harlots and her daughters
have great difficulty in coming to Christ to receive life (John 5:40)
because of their harlotry with the wafer-god.
The question is why Anglican Evangelicals would want to be identified
with High-Anglicans who worship a false Christ before the second coming
and with the many Liberal Anglicans,
who attend without any real commitment to Christ.
I know this is about the Anglican Church but...
I am/was a cradle Catholic. I received the sacraments Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation by the time I went into the military.
While reading the Bible (In the Gospel of John) I found the living Christ (actually He found me).
I have no doubt whatsoever that I was saved. Absolutely nothing I had ever experienced in the Church of Rome was such as being born of the Spirit.
My eyes and ears were opened.
However I had many grave clothes and went back to the RCC and the sacerdotal priesthood for discipleship..
Over the course of approximately two years I was able to throw off the grave clothes via the Spirit of Christ of course.
In spite of tutelage of the papal priesthood with the hopes that I would join them I was freed.
Actually they could not or would not answer my questions with the truth.
I came to the conclusion that they knew the truth but denied it (salvation through grace by faith alone).
I believe there are many as I was but unable to free themselves from "the wafer god".
Do you know of such? Pray, gently help.
At least they have the earthly treasure, The Holy Spirit within.